Weird Feeling

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Once upon a time...

There lived a teenage girl with one of the hottest boy bands living in her cruddy castle and a crazy aunt. She happened to one day find one of the guys (who was the most silent of them all) talking to a beautiful girl.

And for the first time ever he was smiling. A smile that was so genuine it brought tears to your eyes - not literally.

I'm starting to like my sarcastic story telling talent. Never thought I had it in me.

Everything was dead silent even Niall looked like a deer caught in headlights. Everyone was staring at everyone my eyes went from Zayn, to the girl, to Matt, to Louis, to Liam, to Niall, to Harry and last but not least Chelsea. And that kept on going for the passed 30 seconds or so...until Chelsea decided to "break the ice."

"Uh...not to be rude or anything but who are you?" Chelsea asked.

Matt scoffed, "That actually came out pretty rude."

"Shut up, Matt." Chelsea said.

"Actually that would've been much better." He muttered.

The girl looked nervous, I was still silent trying to make sense of the situation and trying to ignore that sinking feeling in my stomach.

"I'm A-Alexis. I'm really sorry for intruding I'll ju-"

"Wait! Who said you're intruding?" I asked, "Don't worry about it...did they try anything funny with you?"

"Woah, woah, woah! Hold it right there. Who the hell do you think we are?" Matt interrupted.

"A player." I quipped.

"A man whore," Chelsea joined in.

"Casanova," Louis added.

He crossed his arms, "Alright! I get it. No need to continue."

"Oh yeah! I'm Sophia and my friend here, is Chelsea. Nice to meet you!" I greeted.

She smiled shyly, "Nice to meet you too. I'm Alexis."

I felt a terrible pain in my heart when she smiled, it was those innocent, kind smiles that not many people have nowadays because half of the population are assholes.

Not to mention she was pretty and I felt bad for feeling like I did. Even if she did make Zayn smile I can't dislike her when she's never done anything to me. From now on, I will just have to continue with life and forget about all this, I mean it's not like I like Zayn, oh who am I kidding I like him... a lot but I should just be happy as friends right now - if you can even call it that.

"Well, I'm going to go change I'm sweaty and in serious need of a shower."

"So that's what that smell was..." Matt trailed off.

"Once I get out of the shower I'm going to use you as my punching bag, Matt." I shouted as I climbed up the stairs.

He snorted, "I'm so scared."


When I returned I found Alexis and Zayn downstairs...alone.

I didn't mind. Not. At. All.

"Um...hey guys sorry for interrupting but where's Matt? I was serious about punching him."


What the heck is wrong with me? That was just an excuse to be here with them! I'm turning into a terrible person!

Zayn looked up, "He left already."

That bastard wait till I get my hands on him!

"I he was scared of me. So what are you guys doing?" I asked curiously, peeking at the piles of paper that were scattered on the floor.

"Curiosity killed the cat Sophia." Zayn commented.

"Cat's have nine lives though!"

Alexis looked up at me, "We're doing a project for English."

At least someone's being nice.

"A project? Already?" They must have a terrible teacher giving them projects at a time like this.

Alexis smiled, "'s not that hard though. Plus, we have enough time."

I heard Zayn sigh, "Sophia, we're kind of busy if you don't mind."

My eyes widened.

"Oh, yeah sorry...well bye," I managed awkwardly, "you two have fun!" I plastered a fake smile and ran upstairs. I felt a huge lump in my throat. I closed my bedroom door, why does he keep acting like that?

I am not going to cry because he keeps giving me the cold shoulder. I'm tired of this! I keep trying to get close to him and all he does is be a complete asshole. I have my dignity!

I don't like Zayn Malik...I can't because it's just not right. Stupid heart just bury him somewhere in there and stop making me constantly think of him!

"Hey Sophia, the guys wanted me to- woah, what's wrong?" I looked up to find Chelsea in the doorway looking worried. I tried smiling, that jerk because of him I'm always down!

"Nothing, just tired you know."

"Stop lying. It's because of Zayn isn't it?" I gave her a surprised look. Play it cool Sophia, play it cool.

"What?! Of cour-"

She quickly interrupted me, "Sophia! Stop lying to yourself!" She sat down next to me, "Come on you know you can tell me. So spill!"

I let out a frustrated sigh, "I'm just tired of this! I don't want to like him but my heart is being stupid! He's always being a jerk when all I've done is tried...tried to be his friend at least. I mean I know I have zero chances to be with him but is being friends too much to ask for?He's so frustrating and confusing. I just want this to stop. I want to go back to my normal life without having to feel like this!" I waved my hands frantically in the air, "And then Alexis she's so nice and I envy her! Envy her for being able to talk and make Zayn smile. All I've done is make him annoyed. I'm a terrible person for being jealous of someone that's done nothing to me! Why does liking a boy have to be so hard Chels?" I yelled, my eyes widened once I realized that my voice had gotten louder. I quickly covered my mouth feeling embarrassed at my outburst.

"Sophia, every girl goes through ups and downs, Zayn is an uptight person. But you need to express and tell him how you feel! He'll never know if you keep that damn mouth of yours shut!"

"No I'll just...I'll eventually get over this crush! It's just a stupid fan crush nothing special." I tried reassuring her, but it sounded more like I was trying to convince myself.

"You know what? If you won't do anything then I'll have to take matters into my own hands."

I gulped feeling nervous all of a sudden, "Um Chels you aren't being serious, right?

"I'm dead serious and I've got just the plan!"


Sorry for the late update you guys! I went on vacation then I got lazy but I felt inspired finally and decided to write! I know it's short but next one will be a bit longer! Hope you enjoy!

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