Meet the New One Direction

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A/N: The guys don't have the same hairstyles they have right now.



"Frances, it's been so long!" My aunt greeted hugging a man, with white hair.

What is this? 101 Dalmations?

"Alicia dear, what brings you here?" The man asked, in a thick French accent.

"Well I need a favor," she pulled him a bit far from us and they started whispering and glancing at the boys.

They were all disguised so they wouldn't be recognized. This time no sunglasses so it wouldn't be suspicious, instead they wore hats.

After they finished whispering Frances walked up to us and looked around the salon, "Everyone out of here!"

All of the people who were mainly female quickly put down whatever they were doing and walked out the door.

"That was a bit harsh..." Liam muttered.

You got that right.

"Well follow me. Frances, will give you the best makeover. No one will recognize you boys once I'm finished!" Who talks in third person? He clapped his hands, "Blondie! Come sit."

Niall smiled nervously, "Uh okay." He sat down in front of the mirror and gave us a nervous glance.

Poor Niall.

"Hmm..." Frances ran his hands through Niall's blonde locks, "Your hair is not naturally blonde."

Niall shook his head, "No, it's actually brown."

Frances gave him a creepy grin, "Well that makes it easier. All I have to do is take this ugly blonde dye off of your hair!"

"What? No," Niall touched his blonde mane, "not the hair."

What happened next... left Niall mad, like seriously mad.

"Alicia hand me the brown contacts." My aunt did as she was told and handed them to him, Niall was still mumbling under his breath. I'm pretty sure they weren't nice words either.

"Voila! I present to you the new and improved, blondie!"

"It's Niall," he grumbled.

"Whoa look so different!" I said, he no longer held that, childish look but appeared much more mature.

He was still attractive, I won't lie.

Louis' eyes widened, "You sir, are good."

"Of course I am. I never fail. Now it's your turn since you so kindly volunteered," he dragged, Louis on the chair and he complied without arguing.

"Can I dye my hair blonde?" Louis asked, "Or red? They won't recognize me with red hair."

Frances gave him a disgusted look, "This is not a parody, boy."

Louis rolled his eyes, "Says the guy with the white hair."

"What was that?"


"Oh, I have the perfect hair for you." Louis glanced around nervously, I felt scared for him.

After an hour or so, Frances was finally finished. Louis, however, wasn't at all happy with the results...not that I blame him.

"My hair. My damn hair." Louis glared at Frances, "What did you do to my hair?"

Why might Louis of all people be so angry you may ask? Well there's only one reason for that: His hair is dyed black with blonde highlights. Similar to Zayn's except his looked odd, his hair was spiked and now shorter, with bits and pieces of blonde streaks. His eyes were no longer green but also brown.

"Louis you're overreacting you don't look that bad," Liam reasoned, trying to calm him down.

Harry snickered, "He looks like a wannabe Zayn."

My aunt laughed along with them, "H-He looks like my ex!"


She shrugged, "What? He was hot!"

After Liam finally got Louis to calm down he offered to go next, "I'm next."

Frances fixed his collar and smirked, "I like you already."

Liam sat down in front of the mirror and Frances started working his magic. This time it wasn't even twenty minutes before Frances finished cutting Liam's hair.

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

Liam didn't really change much he still had the same hair color but his eyes were a forest green. His hair was trimmed a bit giving him a nerdy look but even I had to admit he looked good!

Very good.

"How come Liam's turned out good?" Louis asked, "Why am I the only one that looks like a clown?" He's never going to get over that.

Liam pat his back, "Get over it."

Harry took a step forward, "Guess I'm going next. Don't cut my hair. I'm serious."

Frances waved a hand, "Of course not."

He sat down and Frances stood there observing him. "Hm...Alicia hand me the blue contacts. I have a better idea for you. I will give you one of my wigs for you to wear."

"Couldn't you have done the same to me?" Louis muttered.

"Louis, get over it!" Liam and Niall shouted at the same time.


"Wait, till Chelsea sees this!"

Harry's wig fit him perfectly. It was wavy like Liam's hair and a dark chocolate brown. Girls are going to kill for him, that's for sure.

"You look smokin'." Frances commented looking him up and down.

Harry backed away from him, "I don't want to hear that coming from a guy."

Correction, a gay guy. I don't know what he's so freaked out about I think Frances is cool, weird but cool.

"Now it's Zayn's turn," Niall started pushing him to the front of the circle.

"I can walk myself," Zayn said. He stood in front of Frances and glared, "You cut my hair and I'll be worse than Harry."

Frances nodded, "Can't make any promises."


Oh. My. God. Zayn looks so...

Hot. More than he already was!

Frances had taken off the blonde highlights and dyed them his natural hair color and instead of his hair being up like it normally was, it was now matted down giving him a mysterious look.

"Sophia! Sophia!" I blinked and shook my head.


Aunt Alicia winked, "Why are you staring at Zayn like that? It looks like you want to eat him."

She did not just say that.

"What the heck? No! Thats!"

She laughed, "I was kidding! No need to get so flustered." It didn't look like she was kidding to me. "Anyways, I think we should all give you different names."

She walked around the boys and looked them up and down, "Niall your new name will be Anthony, Liam is going to be Marcus, Harry is now Derick and let's see..." she stared at Louis and Zayn, thoughtfully.

"Jason and Jacob!" I blurted out, "Louis will be Jason and Zayn will be Jacob."

"Isn't Jacob the werewolf from Twilight?" Harry asked.

"Yes. Taylor Lautner is hot."

Harry smirked, "So basically you think Zayn is hot?"


Yup. This is going to be a long six months.

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