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I can't believe it. The guys are no longer with us and the very thought is depressing. I sat in the backseat my head pressed against the window. Lately, I've been overthinking things way too much. That's not like me at all. Could it be because of the boys sudden appearance in my not-so-normal-life? Or is it just me actually growing to be mature?


Matt was driving and hasn't spoken since we said our goodbye's. I'm guessing that staying in jail for a night can really change a person.

I turned to glance at Chelsea who looked even worse than me.

I'm betting it's 'cuz of Harry.

"Hey Matt, how was jail?" I asked. I was actually curious, okay. I have other days to annoy him.

"Are you really going to ask me that? I'm not in the mood."

"I'm curious! It's just an innocent little question."

He glanced at me from the rear view mirror, "Well if you really want to know, it was hell and that girl, Janessa, was getting eye-raped by those criminals."

"Matt, do you like Janessa?" He stared at me for a minute. Then he bursted out laughing. I looked at Chelsea and she just shrugged. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's so funny?"

He kept his eyes on the road and let his laughing die down. "You- I...her! Oh god Sophia, what the hell? I don't like her. Hot she is but that's it, I don't even know her." He shook his head and chuckled a bit to himself.

"But half the girls you sleep with you don't even know yet, you still sleep with them? What's the difference?"

"Shut up."

"Okay, dang."


Crap. Crap. Crap! We have 12 more minutes before it's 9 o' clock and Matt said we still have thirty minutes until we get home!

I'm so dead!

"Hurry up, Matt!"

Matt glared at me from the rear view mirror, "I don't want to end up in jail again, thank you very much."

Wait, maybe if I call my mom- of course! I'm a genius! I grabbed my purse and started digging inside it, in search of my precious phone. After I found it, I quickly dialed my mom's cell praying that she would answer.

"Sophia! Are you almost home its almost 9 o' clock?" Well looks like she's awake...

"Uh...about that mom, we might run a bit late 'cuz of traffic." I lied.

"Hm...okay then. I barely woke up anyways," she replied, lazily.

Now that was surprising. My mom is an early bird and for her to wake up late is just whoa. "Seriously, you waking up at this time?"

I know. 8:52 is considered late? Psh.

"Well, with Alicia here...I can't get much sleep." I laughed, that's true.

"Well that's a good thing, right...? You hardly sleep with work and all."

"The earlier someone wakes up the better, Sophia. It's not good being lazy all the time and waking up at noon."

Did she say that because of me?!

"Right, right! Well see you at home moth-er, bye! Say hi to Aunt Alicia from my part."

"I will. Bye, honey."

"So, what did she say?" Chelsea asked, turning to face me.

"She bought the lie."

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