Chapter 29: Decision

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"Yes please, I would like to speak to my mother."

"Oooooh!" The dorm manager clapped her hands together," so that was your mom from last time! I see I see."

"Uh, yeah.." I replied quietly.

"Alright I will see if I can still find her number through my records."

"Thank you very much."

After a while of watching the manager scrolling through her phone history, she finally found my mother's phone number. "I'm pretty sure this is the one... Give it a try!"

I gave her a quick bow and gladly took the phone from her hands.

"That's weird. Since she's your mom, shouldn't you know her number?" The manager suddenly asked out of nowhere as I called my mom.

My body grew tense and my body started to fidget on the spot. Excuses began to circle around my mind but none of them made sense. The line on the other side finally picked up which saved me from lying to the manager.

I quietly excused myself from the manager and stepped out of her room.

"Hello?" The voice of a middle-aged woman entered through my ear and something within me tightened.

My throat felt dry and I suddenly didn't know what to say. "U-uhm, h-hello..?" Should I call her mom? How am I supposed to greet her?

"Yes, may I ask who...?"

"It's-it's me!" I responded almost immediately, "I'm...I'm Seolin." Your daughter.

The line suddenly went quiet and I couldn't help but gulp secretly. Did I do something wrong? Does she not want to speak to me?

"I see... We...haven't seen each other for quite a while huh?" She added a dry chuckle to the end of her sentence and I knew that was forced.

"Yes, and I...I would like to speak to you," I said.


The little me who was only 10 years old stared at my father as he packed up his belongings. Curiosity and confusion surrounded my mind and I ran to my mother to ask what was going on.

"Is daddy going somewhere?"

"Are we going camping?"

"Where is he going?"

My mother was bombarded with my questions yet she couldn't answer a thing. She only caressed my red cheeks with her two hands and bent down to the same eye level as me. I smiled sheepishly when she played with my locks. She was smiling as well, but I was too young to understand the real meaning behind her "smile". It was a fake smile, and my mother successfully made me believe that she was happy.

"Daddy just has to deal with some business matters, he will come back very soon!"

That was what my mother said, and of course I believed her immediately.

But my father never came back.

Two days later, my mother brought me to my aunt's house. I was beyond excited because I knew my aunt owned a puppy.

My mother said it was only a short visit but she lied.

It was around an hour later when my mother suddenly left the house. She said she needed to buy something and I who was naive as ever believed her.

I waited for my mother till darkness took over the sky. By the time it got really late, I was in tears. I was bawling, to be exact. I was screaming "mommy" nonstop as my aunt tried for the umpteenth time to calm me down.

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