Chapter 18: Minwoo, you jerk!

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After 3 hours of a long bus ride, we finally arrived at our camp destination around the evening.

As soon as I stepped off the bus, a cold gush of wind slapped me right in the face, sending shivers down my spine. Great, it's freezing cold here, and we are living in the forest....Hearing the leaves rustle in the wind made me hate this camp enough already.

I scrunched up my nose in annoyance as I pulled my hat lower over my face.

Suddenly, I stumbled forward from the impact I received from behind. Someone pushed me.

I snapped my head around, realizing that it was Minwoo who's currently snickering right now, "Are you gonna go grab your luggage, or pretend to be a statue? HAHA!"

"I would rather be a statue, than being partners with you!" I snapped right back at him.

A snort escaped his lips, "Tch! Don't worry.. I will make this trip EXTRA entertaining.. Just wait!" 

"Psh, what can you even do.." I rolled my eyes.

Before I knew it, he grabbed me by my collar and pulled me forward to face him, "Friendly reminder, don't be too full of yourself." He whispered harshly, pulling on my collar harder.

I kept on my blank face, as if I'm blown over by that, "Why don't you watch your hands."

A spark of anger flashed through his eyes, and the next thing I knew, he raised his fist, ready to punch me.

"CAN I GET ALL OF YOUR ATTENTIONS PLEASE!!!!" The teacher yelled through the speaker, ceasing Minwoo from beating me up. He halt his fist in mid-air, and pushed me away from him causing me to lose my balance and bump into the person behind me.

He then walked away, brushing the dust off his shoulders. Tch, who does he think he is.

"Can you get off me now?" A voice from behind startled me. Judging from that attitude, of course it's him...

I snapped my head around and realized that my back is still leaned against Jongin when I bumped into him. I grew flustered and quickly stood up straight, feeling the heat rush up my neck. 

Good thing that the teacher started to talk again, causing Jongin to divert his attention from me. I took a sigh and secretly pinched my arm for my clumsiness..

"Ok everyone!!! Listen up for the following instructions!!!!"

* * *

"Can you please move!!??" I yelled at Minwoo as he was blocking my way.

"Shut up!! Does it look like I can see where I'm going?! The flashlight's not even helping!" He complained.

I grit my teeth in annoyance, "And this is why I hate night hikes!!!!!!!" 

Minwoo snorted, "Tell that to the staff then, they were the ones who assigned it.. OW!!" A branch scratched his cheek as he stepped forward.

"Ya, look---" My sentences was ceased half way as I stumbled over a rock in front of me, "ARRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I yelled, clearly irritated.

Minwoo let out a frustrated sigh, "Ok, let's just blow the emergency whistle and let the staff come and guide us out of here." 

I didn't really agree to that idea, but I still dug through my pockets to find my whistle just to make sure I have it. 

My eyes slowly grew large.... Where's my whistle..?

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