Chapter 1: First Day

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"Kae Su High School..."

I carefully read through the huge letters imprinted on the top of the building, and released a heavy sigh. Here I am with my bag and luggage at Kae Su High School. A new start, new classmates, new environment, and new classroom. This is the moment where I bid farewell to my past. I took one last deep breath and took my first step into this new environment.

I raised my right hand in mid air, feeling the cool breeze whirl through my fingers. The cherry blossoms were gracefully dancing in the air, and from the distance I could even hear the light chatters coming from the other students. Everything seemed so right at the moment. I wanted the peacefulness I was currently feeling to last forever.  

Just when I was going to take my next step.. Someone crashed into me from my left side. I wobbled to the right from the impact as my luggage fell to the ground at the same time.

I snapped my head up only to realize a boy who sprinted right past me without even sparing me a glance. He didn't even realize that he almost knocked me over. I felt anger bubbling within me as I patted the dust off my clothes and reached for my luggage that was lying on the pavement.

"Hey! Jongin! You stop right there!" Another boy flew right pass me just then, bumping into me once again. For the second time, I was ignored. 

I cocked one of my eyebrows in annoyance. "What, am I invisible now? Idiots." I scoffed under my breath.

Looking at the map in my hand, I successfully found the school dorms. They were two tall buildings that were situated very closely to each other; the girl's dorm was the building on the right side, while the boy's was on the left. What kind of bothered me was, the two buildings were literally glued to each other. What was the point of separating the dorms when the girls and boys could just see each other through the windows. I cringed as the thought of that made my slightly uncomfortable.

I dragged myself to the dorms, not liking the school just as much anymore. I honestly had high expectations for this school since it was rated second in the education system of Korea. I studied my head off to pass the entrance exams, and I did not expect to start the school year like this.  

I wondered in the hallways as my eyes were searching for my room number. I caught some chatters on my way while passing through the doors.

"Hey, should I curl my hair or straighten it?"

"...Your hair would be the last thing he'd care about once he sees me."

"Stop talking non-sense! I actually saw Jongin glancing at me for a few times. He definitely fell for me."

I rolled my eyes. This is a place for you to be learning, not flirting with other guys for goodness sake! 

Just then, I found my room door and quickly unlocked it. Making my way to my bed, I threw myself on it without hesitating, feeling the soft mattress embrace me from beneath.

I pulled out my schedule from my bag... Class starts in 30 more minutes.. That's just enough time for me to organize my belongings and change into my uniform.




As I slipped into my uniform, I stared at the girl in front of me through the mirror's reflection. A weird feeling kept surging through my stomach, and I later found out that I was excited. For once, I looked forward to the school year (ignoring the unfortunate events that happened in the morning). I couldn't wait for my chance to make new friends, to create new bonds. This was a chance to change myself. 

I gave myself a confident smile.

I can do this. 


As soon as I entered the classroom, a burst of chatters immediately flooded my ears. I secretly frowned to myself. As someone who is quiet, I preferred quiet places. But of course, this is a school so I obviously couldn't avoid this.

When I scanned my eyes over the classroom, I couldn't help but gasp inwardly. Tables were messed up and chairs were scattered every where. Boys were running around, girls were squealing and screaming. Alarm sounds then started going off in my head - I am totally going to hate this class.

I proceeded to pick the seat that was at the last row in the corner near the window like always.

I rested my head on the table, ignoring all the noises going on in the classroom; they were starting to get on my nerves. 

Suddenly, the classroom fell into dead silence immediately, which caused myself to snap my head up in alarm. I thought it was the teacher, but I was wrong.

It turned out to be two male students entering the classroom. But what made me surprised was, the moment they stepped in, the atmosphere seemed to change. I realized it was because of the girls. All their eyes were glowing in admiration, their cheeks flushed pink. They suddenly all seemed cautious of what they were doing. I took note of one girl who was laughing obnoxiously when I entered the room, but now she completely changed as she sat there nervously with her hands folded on her laps. Anyone who had eyes could tell they all fell deeply in love.

My eyes then travelled back to the two boys. I had to admit they looked pretty decent, they must be popular. I even found my own eyes lingering on them for a few seconds before quickly turning away as one of them caught my eyes. People began talking again and the volume of the classroom soon grew louder. I looked out the window to once again consume myself in my own world. 

I was momentarily distracted by the clouds until a low voice came from above.

"Hey.... You are on my seat..."

Curiosity took over me, and I lifted up my head to the voice of the owner. A small gasp left my lips as I realized he was the boy earlier who caught me looking at them. 

"M-me?" I pointed at myself. I mentally scolded myself as I just asked the dumbest question on earth. The answer couldn't be more obvious as his eyes were almost boring holes through my head.

The boy then lifted up his finger and pointed at me, "yes... You."


Hello! So this is my first chapter! Sorry if this chapter is really short, but I hope you enjoy it.

(To be continued)

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