Chapter 14: "Dirty" Lips

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....2 days has passed already, and Jong In didn't talk to me at all, neither did I. He didn't call me through the window in the mornings, he didn't walk me back to the dorms like always, he didn't tease me about being my boyfriend. .. Is he giving up on the deal? 

Even though the classroom is noisy as always, but without Jong In bugging me all day, to me it is all just dead silence, it's way too quiet these days. Even though he's right beside me, I feel like he's so far away, as if there's a huge pacific ocean between us. I think I'm not really used to it... Ugh, I guess I can blame him for that.

Hmm.. But without Jong In, it is pretty peaceful huh? Doing what I want to do, not getting dragged around by Jong In, walking back to the dorms alone without Jong In by my side blabbing about how handsome he is, not hearing Jong In whining to borrow my eraser during class anymore.. No---

Wait, the more I think about it, it sounds like I'm a loner or something...No, it sounds like that I'm starting to miss Jong In around me...

..... No way, no way am I missing him. I took a deep breath.. Just, no...

The last time I checked, I always hated him hanging around me, no matter what he is doing. And now.. Yeah, I still hate it, I hate it to the bottom of my heart.

Besides, why is he even mad? I mean, even if Lay really kissed me, what does that even have to do with him? Why does he even care? Eugh..

Should I explain to him? ...But why should I explain anyways.. There's no reason for me to explain anything to him...

"Ok class! This is the end of this period! Remember the notes that I jot down! There will be a test on it... Dismiss!" The teacher gather all her books and left the classroom.

Oh wait, what did she talk about in class again?.... Oh no, did I really just spend another period thinking about between me and Jong In? 

I got startled when I heard a loud screech. I snapped my head to the side, and noticed it was Jong In who was tucking his chair in angrily... Again.. He really is angry at me huh? Before I knew it, he already disappeared out of the classroom with Lay tagging along... So now he is one step ahead of me? Before I used to be the one ditching him first... .I sighed and began to pack my books...

Just when I was about to stuff them all in my bag, someone's hand suddenly came out of no where and smacked my books back down against the table, making a loud noise catching everyone's attention.

I look up, and soon realized that its Jae Mi. I felt my mood go down a billion points. Ugh.... What a pain.

I rolled my eyes, 'Yah, what do you want?"

She was glaring at me, her eyes boring into me, "What do I want? I'm pretty sure I should be the one saying that to YOU!"

"...Look, I'm not in the mood to deal with you, so can you just shut up and get out of my way?"

She flared up, and shrieked at me, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?"

Ugh... "I said, can you just SHUT UP and GET O------"

Before I could even finish, my head whipped to the side from the impact and fell from my chair, hitting my back bone. My right cheek started to sting really badly as if it got ripped apart. I bit my lip in respond to the pain.

I just got slapped.

I gently press my hand against my right cheek, I couldn't say anything or do anything at the moment because it hurts too much. My eyes got watery from the extreme stinging, it's even worse than the dude that slapped me last time....

Chattering noises immediately started to flood in the classroom.

"What if Jong In oppa sees this..? Won't he literally kill Jae Mi for doing that?"

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