Chapter 3: Outside My Window

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"Yah, gwaenchana??"

I look at the boy in front of me... 

Isn't he.... the boy who was hanging out with Jong in? Wait.. Lemme think..


I snapped to reality, realizing that I'm staring right in his eyes. I shoot up from the ground and glued myself to the wall behind me. 

Lay flinched by my reaction, but next, he chuckled, which made me feel weird once again. I uncomfortably shifted in my position.

"Uh, um.. How did you get here..." I stammered.

"Ah.. This is the place where I rest.. Nobody comes here..So.." He rubs the back of his neck as his eyes wandered around.

"Oh.." I lower my head a bit.

"What happened" Lay stood beside me.

"Huh?" I blinked my eyes.

"About what happened in class.." 

"Oh.. Forget about that.." I stared at the ground.

Lay stood silent for a few seconds, "Jongin can be annoying sometimes, but he actually has a kind heart, just ignore him if he's being mean." Lay smiles, a dimple formed on his right cheek.

Dugeun dugeun....



I walked Seolin back to the dorms, I then faced towards her, noticing her face is covered in a shade of pink.

I gently put my hand on her forehead, she flinched, looking flustered.

"Do you have a fever? Your face is kind of red.."

"N-n-no..! I'm.. I'm fine." She quickly stepped back, looking a bit nervous.

We stood there quiet, drowning in an awkward silence. She kept avoiding eye contact with me, still a bit awkward around me.

"Um..Well thank you very much for walking me to the dorms!" She bowed to me.

"Ah, that's nothing. Um.. I'm going to go back to my room now.. I guess." I ran my fingers through my hair.

She nods shyly. 


I watched Lay until he entered the boy's dorms. 

I guess.. Lay is a bit better than the other boys.. I touched my forehead, the scene of Lay touching my forehead then replays in my head. His hands were so warm and gentle....

Without noticing, a smile was tugging onto my lips, but I quickly bit it back.

I walked up the stairs to my dorm, images of Lay flooding in my mind.

I spot a small note at the front of my door, hm... 

"Don't get too excited, you're just a new student."

I paused for a second, what is this supposed to mean...? I frowned and crunched up the note, tossing it in the garbage can. Excited for what?? Psh. I stepped into my room.

Checking the time table, I realized there's no class for the next period. I think I'll go grab a snack first.

Just when I was about to take my coat from the closet, my gaze stopped on the window outside mine.

That person didn't even close his curtains, that boy's room is also pretty messy, clothes all over the floor, and--- My eyes grew large when I spot his table.

No.. Not the table.. It's the stuff on the table... Or should I say.. Electronic devices??

6 MACS? ...Am I supposed to laugh? Is that person bored or what.. Buying 6 macs??? What does he do with them? Go on all of them the same time and feel like he's in the TV station? 

I better leave now before who ever lives there catches me staring into their room. 

I opened the door, getting ready to go out, but then,

"Yah! Mwo-yeo!!!???" 

A voice came from the outside, outside my window?

I turn around and face the window...... It's....

It's coming from the boy's room... I spot a shadow yelling through the windows.

I stepped forward to take a closer look.... Hm.. That boy.. I squint my eyes...




W-what. I dropped the coat from my hand.

"YAH, MWO YEO. WHY ARE YOU HERE??!!!" He shouts through the window while banging on it.

S-So he's the person that lives there?

"Aaaaiiisshh... Mwo yeo.. I think I'm going to go crazy.." He frustrately ruffled his hair.

I yelled back, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?"

"Me, Kim Jongin! I AM GOING CRAZY!!!!" 

I rolled my eyes, "YOU THINK I'M NOT GOING CRA--------"

"Yah.. What's going on..." Another voice came out of Jong in's room and ceased me off.. Great, another boy?

The other person slowly walked over from the side.. Closer and closer.. Now he is standing right beside Jong in, staring at me, a little bit of shock in his eyes.

LAY..... O_O

Jong in and Lay, lives in the room that's right outside my window..?


Annyeong ELFs~ I'm really sorry if this chapter is short, I rushed through this chapter because I have some tight schedule. Apparently, I am going to the airport, which is 4:30 (around that time), why am I going to the airport? TO VISIT KOREA OF COURSE~ It's my first time *O* and then, I will be going to China, and I really hope that I can go o wattpad from China... If not... Then I can only continue this story when I come back, which is on April... I will miss you guys so much >_<  I stayed up late just to write this chapter, oh well, I will just sleep on the airplane~ Can't wait! So excited~ Guess it's time for me to say good bye... TT_TT 

Good bye ELFs~ Saranghae <3


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