Chapter 4: What is Love

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"Eh? Isn't that Seolin?" Lay looked confused.

Jong in just clenched his fist and closed his eyes hopelessly.

.... What do I do with my life now.

Ok, the smartest thing to do right now is pull over the curtains, cover them up, and never dare to even open that curtain. Ever. I won't even dare to touch that curtain. Seeing Jong in's face will just ruin my entire day, I already got enough from him.

I reach out my hands for the curtains... Wait, where's the curtains? I fixed my eyes from Jong In to where my hand is.


No curtains. You got to be kidding me.

"Yah!!! You!!! Go move rooms!! Go!!! Noww!!!!" Jong in shrieks.

I scoffed, "Me? How about you move out if you really hate me that much."

"Oh, so are you saying you don't want to move out? Because you enjoy seeing my face every single second? Looks like I gained another fan. " Jong in smriks while nudging Lay beside him who's still surprised.

One word: Ew.

"Well ok then! I guess I'll have to say the rules AGAIN." He purposly exaggerated the word 'again'.

"Listen up! One: Do not send me flowers, because I won't accept it since it's from you! Two: Don't call my name all day, because I won't  answer you! Three! The most important one!" He clears up his throat.

"I will never ever fall in love, especially with a girl like you!"

"Yah, Jong In, that was a bit mean.. Don't you think? I don't think that was in your rules before.." Lay finally spoke up again.

Anger started to boil up in my chest. He thinks I'm in love with HIM? This is the best joke I have ever heard in my life. This is just ridiculous. He's being too full of himself, seriously.

He thinks I will be like "Aniyo! Oppa! Please! Please don't leave me!!!" Yuck, I think I'm going to throw up. 

"Psh! As if I will fall in love with someone like you. Think whatever you want. Ah! Almost forgot, I also have to tell you one thing.." 

I opened my window to make my words clear towards him.

"I DON'T know WHAT IS LOVE!" (A/N See what I did there?) I snapped right back at him.

It's true, actually. I have never tasted what love is like. I have never been loved, and of course I have never loved anyone else. The word love, never existed in my life.

I don't fall in love. Ever.


I need to do something about this. I have to some how cover up my window. I can't stand seeing him 24 hours every day, I would rather kill myself than that.

A light flicked in my mind. A board! Speaking of a board, I did see lots of paper boards outside in the recycling bin.... I instantly shot up from my bed and dashed out my room.

“Haha.. Look at that girl over there.."

"Just like a rat.. Kekeke.."

Here I am, digging in the recycling bin just for a board that's big enough to cover my window... Of course I can't avoid all the chatters and glares aside. 

They didn't bother me that much though, I've been living with those side comments for almost my entire life. Those little chatters won't affect me. 

"Yah!" Some one hit me on the shoulder, who ever it is, that person sure has sharp nails. Ouch...

I turned to face that person, it's a girl.

"Bwo?" I asked in annoyance.

Before I knew it, A round object hit my head.


A yellow sticky liquid ran down my forehead.. 


The crowd starts to laugh, clapping like seals. 

I forced myself to put on my usual blank expression. The egg yolk continued to slide down my forehead. I quickly wiped them away with my hand. Panic was actually taking over me from inside. I coldly glared at the girl in front of me, I know this isn't going anywhere..

"Hahaha~ Weren't you digging for food? Want some fruits? Here!!" The girls starts to giggle evily. 

Oh no.

A shadow casted over my head. I looked up..

The girl held a basket above my head, she slowly over turns it.....


I was too slow to follow her actions.

They all started to fall one by one, one of the pineapples scratched the side of my face, ok, why does pineapples have spikes.  I bet she got the pineapples from the dining area.. 

I quickly put my hands above my head, struggling to scream.

Of course it won't work. I don't even know how many pineapples are in that basket. I don't know how many have already hit me.

I can feel blood gushing out of my hands, scratches appearing on my legs. It was stinging every where and soon numbess took over me.

"WWWOOOHOOOOOOOOO~~~~" The crowd cheers.

They think this is funny, right?

"Haha! Yah! Why aren't you talking? Huh? You're losing already??" The girl pokes my head.

Tch! Who does she think she is.. 

Just when she was having fun laughing... Of course I didn't miss my chance. 

"OW!" The girls shrieked, the crowd gasps.

I stood up, letting out a small whistle.

"Yah! Why did you kick me!!!!" The girl was totally shocked by my sudden attack. Tsk, how weak!

"Why did I kick you? Why CAN'T I kick you?" I mocked, funny eh?

The girl was so mad that it look's like someone fried her face. She ran to the recycling bin and pulled out a board.

I eyed the board, wait, that's the perfect board for me to cover my win----


My mind went blank.


"Good one!!"

"Haha! Look! She fainted!!"

"What she gets for annoying our oppa.."


Annyeong~~ Ok, I know this chappie is short <_< Mianhe! I was going to write more but.. I just love cliff hanging <U< Sorry sorry!!!

I hope you guys enjoy this chap~ I don't really know what to say.. so.. Fan/vote/comment~ :* Bai baiiii~

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