Chapter 27: The Phone Call

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It was around 9:00 PM when I finally left the infirmary after confirming that Lay was completely fine. The sky was already pitch black and the path of the school campus was illuminated by a row of street lights. It was quite chilly at night so I fastened my pace to reach the dorm as soon as possible. 

"No, 7PM sharp, and that's it. I will be waiting!"

Jongin's words flashed through my mind once again, and I quickly shook my head to myself. No way, he won't be there, right? Plus, he wouldn't wait for me for that long, its been 2 hours already! The more I think about it, the more it looks like that I am just convincing myself that Jongin's not waiting for me rather than speaking the truth. What if he really is...? He did sound kind of serious about it after all...

I nervously gnawed on my lower lip as I began to jog towards the dorms, no... He can't be there...

When I was finally 10 meters away from the dorm, I slowed down my pace and my eyes immediately began to search for that one shadow I dread to see at this moment. I held my breath as I continued to scan through the gates of the dorms again and again.

I then heaved a relieved sigh and wiped away the cold sweat that built up on my forehead. He's not here.

I knew it, he was just joking.

It felt like there was suddenly a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders, but at the same time, I felt disappointed for some reason.

I chose to ignore that weird feeling and proceeded towards the dorms. Just when I thought everything was completely fine, fate decided to betray me.

"Hey, Seolin." 

...No way.


Jongin impatiently tapped his right foot against the ground with his arms crossed against his chest as his eyes shot daggers at me. Disappointment was written all over his face and I could only look away awkwardly.

...It's not like I knew! I didn't know that he was actually serious about it! He's always joking around so how would I know? Besides, if Lay didn't faint in the middle of the library, I would've made it! It's not completely my fault for making him wait 2 hours! Also, it's not like I asked him to wait for me! Damn it.

Of course, I didn't say all that out loud, even though the words were already on the verge of slipping off my tongue. I guess I did feel a little bit guilty in the end... 

After all, I did make him wait.... I rolled my eyes.

"...Sorry." I mumbled an apology, an apology that was barely audible. 

He didn't answer but sighed instead, which made me cringe from head to toe.

"Ergh...There's still um, 6 days left..." I tried to sound a little bit more hopeful.

I began to talk once again, "ok um, you see... I would've made it by 7 but Lay..." His facial expression immediately stiffened once he heard the mention of Lay, but I continued, "ok well I met him at the library and when I was about to leave, he, he fainted so then I rushed him to the infirmary and-"

"Seolin," Jongin cut me off before I could finish explaining, "I don't care, really." 

I grabbed onto the hem of my shirt and frowned. But...I want to explain everything to him... I don't want him to misunderstand me. I just, don't like the feeling of that. 

"You don't understand... I'm not disappointed in you for not making it." He glanced at me before looking away.

I looked at him in silence while waiting for him to continue.

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