Chapter 6: Cold

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Class is starting, the teacher checks off the attendance list.



"Cho hee?"


"Jong In?"


The teacher sighs.. That attitude Jong In always has...

"Ok.. Seolin?"



Still no answer. Silence.

The teacher's eyes wonder around the classroom, no sign of Seolin.

"Anyone know where Seolin is?"

They all shook their heads.

Except for one person.

"I think I know where she is.." He speaks up.

"Jongin? Ok, please bring her here as soon as possible, do not wonder around! Araso?"

He nods and left his seat, as soon as he stepped out of the classroom, he dashes full speed towards the dorms......


Mom?... Dad??

"Seolin ah..."

Mom!!! Dad!!! Where are you!!!!!

"Over here..."

I quickly turn around. I was shocked. I realized that I'm in our house's dining room.. I thought this house was already sold to some one else??  I look up, there is my mom and dad, sitting at both ends of the table, smiling at me, "Seolin ah! It's time to eat dinner!!"

Omo.. It's my mom and dad... Weren't they dead?? Why are they here? Is this a dream? Is this real? They are moving, they are talking.. I'm not just staring at a picture, right? 

"Seolin~ Come on!!" Mom waves her hand at me. I feel warmth.

I hesitated.. "Seolin ah, what's wrong? Let's eat!!" My mom smiles.

"Ok..." I'm still confused... Is this really happening?I trod to the dining table, pulling out my chair--- Wait... I tried to pull it again... Huh?? Am I a ghost or..

I reach for my chopsticks..

Wait... I reach for it once again.... How come... How come.. I can't touch it!! 

My hand.. It's going through it!!!!!! I tried again and again, it's, it's just not working!!!! I start to freak out.

"Mom??? Dad??????!!" I look at my dad.


Dad.... D-dad disappeared!!!! My eyes stared at the empty seat in horror.

"MOM??" I shot my eyes at the other side of the table. OMO!! SHE'S GONE TOO!!!!!!! 

"MOOOOM!!!! DADDD!!!!!!!!' I scream at the top of my lungs.. Hands covering over my mouth not believing what is happening. I feel cold sweat dripping down from my forehead.

The house starts to fall apart, brick by brick... The bricks fall through me, I don't feel anything!! It's not hurting me!! It's going THROUGH me!!! I stare at my hands, it's slowly disappearing... GONE. MY HAND IS GONE! Now is my arms!! It's like the air eating me up!! I'm disappearing!!!!!!!

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