Chapter 23: I Can't Let Go

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It was the same nightmare again, just when I thought I was completely over it.

I saw my mom and dad, standing away from me in a distance with open arms. My mom waved at me excitingly.Dad on the other side greeted me with his usual warm smile, his hand holding onto my mom's tightly. 

"Seolin ah!! Where have you been?" My mom asked as she signalled me to come over. I'm supposed to ask that.. Mother.

"Come on! We didn't get to go fishing together yet!" My dad chuckled.

A tear escaped my eye as I began to run towards them. I ran as fast as I could, but they seemed to get farther and farther. "Mom!!!!! Dad!!!!" I screamed, "Stop!! Wait for me!!!!!"

They turned around with their back facing me, letting go of their tightly held hands at the same time. Without sparing me one last glance, they walked away towards their own separate paths. My eyes grew large and I blinked several times to make sure I'm not imagining things. Unfortunately, everything was real. 

I cried out for the last time, hoping to change what I'm seeing. But it was only the sound of echos that responded.

The next thing I knew, everything turned pitch black. 

"-lin.. Seolin!!!" 

I felt someone shaking my shoulders while constantly calling my name. After a while, I finally found the strength to open my eyes, only to meet a piercing bright flash.

"Seolin! Are you alright?" It turns out to be the teacher, waving the flashlight in my face.

Not knowing what's going on - heck I don't even know why a teacher is in my tent. I got up from the thin mat that I was lying on, "...Miss..?" I croaked.

"Are you alright!?" She asked once again, waving her flashlight.

I squint my eyes from the piercing brightness, "M-Miss.. I'm fine.. Um, what happened..?"

She exhaled a deep sigh, putting the flashlight down, "Ah.. That's a relief. Apparently, you were screaming in your sleep." 

I drew in a sharp breath, but remained silent. She continued, "One of your peers who was right outside your tent heard you so she quickly called me to come over to see what's going on."

I tightly pressed my lips together, "R-really?"

She nodded, "Seolin.... Is something wrong?"

I was taken aback, "W-What?"

"I'm a teacher, you are my student. It is my responsibility to take good care of my students, so tell me.. Is there something bothering you?"

I quickly shook my head - a bit too quick, "No! Nothing's wrong, I'm fine. It's just a weird nightmare, that's all."

She gave me a look, she didn't seem to believe me completely. Fortunately she let that slip away, "Alright, tell me if you have any problems. Oh.. By the way.."

I frowned for a short second.. Great, what does she want now?

"How's your guardian doing?" She asked out of no where.

I was confused for a second, but it didn't take me long to realize who she's talking about. "Uhm.."

"I'm talking about Jongin. Is he doing a good job taking care of you? Are you comfortable with him?"

I didn't know how I should respond to that. She continued, "You're ok with him right? Or do you prefer a girl instead? Last time he came in exactly when I was talking to you, so I just assigned him the role on the spot. He's doing fine right?"

A Chance (Kai from EXO)Where stories live. Discover now