Chapter 10: Misunderstanding

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It's another morning, waking up on the cold icy floor..

I sit up straight, body stiff as always.. I lightly rub my sleepy eyes, and slapped both sides of my face a few times, time to wake up! @_@

Because I got up too fast, I accidentally stumbled to the side a bit, a small 'aigoo' came out of my mouth.. Sigh.. Mornings. @_@

I ruffle my hair as I walk around my room.. Ahh.. What was I supposed to do today again?? My brain doesn't always work right in the morning okai?


A light suddenly went off in my mind! Right! About the deal... <_<

I shift my eyes at the window... Eugh.. I really don't like windows after I came to this school @_@

I grab onto the board that I.. Ehm, almost sacrificed my life on? Sigh.. It's time to say bye bye to the board.. T^T I really don't want to..

But.. For the deal.. - -

I threw the board to the side, sunlight immediately shot through the windows and into my room. Aish..  Not used to it since my room has been dark for a couple of days..


Silence quickly got interrupted by a few knocks in my opposite direction...

I took a deep breath, I lift up my gaze.. Our eyes soon met through the windows.

He opened his own window, and leaned his body closer to my window, "Ya, it's time to go!"

Eugh... Already? @_@

I open my window as well, ".... What time is it.." 

He looks at his wrist, " 7:15, class starting in 15 minutes."

I roll my eyes at him, "Ya, you don't even have your watch on."

He smirks, "Pft, don't worry, I checked the clock earlier, it's 7:15. Aish, that was a joke, what, it wasn't funny?"

Jincha.. I threw him a "tch" and closed my window.

*       *        *

"Aniyo.. Just look.. Wae are they holding hands?"

"Omo.. Are they dating?"

"Eh? But why is he.."

"I'm so jealous...."

Chatters grew louder and louder as we walked down the hallway @_@ So this is what I'll have to deal with every time huh.. 

On the other side, Jong In completely pushed the chatters and mumbles to the side, seems like he's used to it <_< Psh, bet he has done this with over a 100 girls already. 

"Ah, Seolin, your shoelace.." Lay who was walking behind us tapped on my shoulder.

I stopped my tracks and looked down to my shoe.. Aish.. My shoelaces are loose... Before I could bend down and fix it, Lay was a step before me.

He immediately bent down and knelt his right knee on the floor. He reached out his gentle hands, and held onto both of the ends of my shoelace. Girls started to squeal by his actions while Jong In on the other side was staring intently at him.

He skillfully poked the other lace through the other loop, and ended it with a beautiful bowtie style.

"Whatttttt is this???? How come she deserves Lay oppa to treat her like that???"

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