Chapter 17: Camping Trip

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The following days were a disaster. After what have happened in class a few days ago, thanks to Jongin, students treat me differently now.

None of them dares to approach me anymore, no teasing, and definitely no more bullying. And it's all because of a stupid little reason.

...Because I am apparently Jongin's... But I'm not, by the way.

They think they will get beaten up by Jongin, judging from what they saw last time in class when Jongin grabbed Lay's neck tie...  I'm pretty sure no one is dumb enough to approach me anymore.

But there's one person that's different.... Lay.

He still hangs out with me everyday, sometimes eating lunch together, sometimes doing homework together in the library. He's the only close friend I have in this school.

And today was normal just like the other days, until the teacher announced, 

"Our class will be going on a camping trip."

Excitement immediately flooded the classroom's atmosphere, everyone bursts into chatters as they already started to pick their partners.

I slumped forward and rolled my eyes, while the jerk beside me -Jongin- just smirked and leaned back in his chair. Great, a trip... 

The teacher quickly shushed the class, and continued after clearing her throat, "Don't get too excited, I didn't say the rules yet."

I snorted and blew my bangs in annoyance.

"First, you cannot choose your own partner!" The teacher stated, waiting for the class's reaction.

And as expected, complaints could be heard in every corner. The teacher quickly tapped the black board for a few times, a sign to let the class be quiet.

The teacher continued to talk about loads of information about the camp; activities, cabin arrangements, rules etc..

And finally, the partner list.

"Ok, I will now announce the groups! Now, group 1... Cho Hee and Jiyeon"  

The two of them looked at each other and awkwardly smiled, seems like they aren't too close with each other.

"Second group.. Eunmi and Sungjae."

Wait.... There's boys and girls mixed...? 

"Third group.. Lay.. And Hyosung."

At that second, a sudden wave of disappointment crashed into me, I'm not in a group with Lay then..? Without realizing, my eyebrows slowly met each other, but I quickly plastered a sad smile over my face when Lay made eye contact with me. I don't know if it's my imaginations or something, but his eyes were showing a sign of disappointment too..

"Now, the fourth group... Jongin and.."

I quickly drew in a sharp breath. Please don't pick me, please don't pick me. If it's me, I'm doomed, I'm doomed for the rest of my life. My heart beat literally stopped and my palms became sweaty. I stopped breathing when the teacher suddenly glanced at me before announcing the other partner. No, don't tell me that I'm his.....

"Jae Mi."

The next thing I heard was Jae Mi's high pitched squeal, and Jongin's annoyed groan.

Wait, Jae Mi is his partner..? 

My heart suddenly sank deep down, and I found it hard to breathe.. I couldn't hear the rest of the groups because my mind was already flooded with the fact that.. Jae Mi is partners with Jongin...

* * *

The day of the camp arrived faster than I thought. 

There were a few coach buses along the side of the school, with students stuffing their luggage in. Smiles were all plastered on their faces, except for me.

I immediately spot Jongin not far from me, leaning on the wall and his thumb fiddling across his phone.

As if he noticed my presence, he lift up his head, eyes meeting mine. I then froze under his dark chocolate brown eyes, I wanted to look away, but his eyes were pulling me back. 

The edges of his lips started to curl up, forming a smirk playing on his lips. [A/N REFER TO THE GIF AT THE SIDE>>>>>]

Just then, Jae Mi popped out of no where, and broke our eye contact. She threw herself onto Jongin, "AAAHH!! OPPA!!! I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE PARTNERS!! KYAA!!!! I....."

Not bothering to hear the rest, I quickly turned around and stomped away. Not knowing where that annoyed feeling is coming from.

Suddenly, the sound of a whistle could be heard. The next thing was the teacher yelling over the speaker, "EVERYONE! PLEASE FIND YOUR PARTNERS AND GATHER IN FRONT OF THE BUSES!"

I was a bit dumbfounded.. Partner..? 

I let out a hiss. Great, I didn't pay attention last time for my partner, I guess I missed it..

I tried to dig through the faint memories from last class, but all I could think of was..Jongin and Jae Mi.. Jongin and Jae Mi... Jongin and Jae Mi...... I quickly pinched my right cheek, what is wrong with me..

I was suddenly interrupted with a gentle tap on the shoulder. I snapped my head around, "Ah..! Lay!!"

Lay stood there behind me with his partner -Hyosung- standing beside him, lowering her head and her cheeks covered by a light shade of pink...

"Hey, where's your partner..?" Lay asked, his hands fixing his hair that got disheveled by the wind.

I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck, "Um, I don't know, actually.."

"...Hm? You don't know?"

"Er.. No.."

"Isn't it Minwoo..?"  His finger pointed to somewhere behind me, and my eyes quickly followed his finger to look.

And there he was, the one so called Minwoo standing 10 meters away from me, smirking at me. I scowled from knowing that my partner is a boy too.. But then something flashed through my mind, making my muscles turn tense and my face losing it's color.

Isn't he the boy that slapped my face from before....?

He clicked his tongue and moved his hand across his neck, his lips mouthing, "Prepare to die.."

Oh. This will be a wonderful camp.


Yes yes yes, here goes the apologies again... I'M SORRY.

School work is no joke, and I don't even have the time to think about what to write for this chapter.. I even caught a cold omg.. T_T And finally today is Saturday, so I quickly wrote this chapter... I'm sorry if it's too short for you guys, and I kinda rushed through this chapter... 

Also, yesterday was our troll, Chen's birthday!!!!!!!! Wuaahh *U* My forever number 1 EXO M bias *Q*

So I hope you guys like this chappie.. This chapter is kind of a filler chap... Ergh.. But I swear it will get interesting soon ^^ And possibly more drama.. /wiggles eyebrows/ And sorry for any grammar mistakes! > < 

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