Chapter 15: First Kiss

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"Don't worry, I can get rid of it for you." 

His lips curled into a mischievous smirk that always sent me shivers down my spine. He slowly started to lean in, his gaze still focused on my lips. His hot breath brushed against my cheeks, making me feel extremely uncomfortable. No no no, this is not happening. I did not kiss Lay, you're wrong. Please just stop.

The atmosphere became intense, making my muscles feel stiff from top to bottom..

He slowly closed the space between us. I didn't know how to react as I quickly shut my eyes closed, not daring to think what would happen next. This is it. My first kiss will be taken by the person I hate the most. This is it.

His breath was still lingering on my cheeks.. Nothing's happening.

I then heard a faint laugh, and opened one of my eyes. I realized that Jongin is laughing and is already standing on his two feet.

"Ha... Did you really just think that I was going to kiss you?"

I stared at him, flustered.

"Psh, who am I kidding? Why would I kiss someone like you? Did you forget my rules?" He laughed.

I blinked thrice, my mind not being able to function.

"Look, don't take everything seriously, okai? A deal is a deal! Hah, don't expect too much from me.. I know I'm handsome but I don't accept girls like you.. Besides, you already have Lay! You guys already had your first kiss, you don't want to cheat on him and kiss me, huh, do you?"

Anger slowly started to boil in my chest. Not knowing where the sudden blast of energy came from, I shot up from the mattress and grabbed onto his collar, almost wanting to rip it. I grit my teeth and stared at him fiercely. 

He became shocked, staring at me with disbelief. He grips his hand on my wrist, wanting me to pull away, but it didn't work.

I twisted his collar, making it more tight and choking him a bit. He gritted his teeth.

"Y-Ya... What do you think you're doing.. L-let me go, understand?" He stuttered. His cool image a while ago has already flew off. Now standing in front of me is just a stupid scaredy cat.

I rolled my eyes, how irritating, "Hey, you, listen up. First of all, I'm not a toy. I'm a freaking human. I don't get freely played around, especially by you. So please, don't mess with me. Second of all, I never wanted to kiss you, and I never will. Third of all, me? Falling in love with you? Ha, let's skip that. Yes, the fourth one, I never kissed Lay, and Lay never kiss me okai? Let me make this freaking clear, we never kissed, not even a peck, and obviously we are not in a relationship. Understand?" 

He laughed carelessly, "Haha.. Who do you think you a---"

I cut him off, "Lastly, let's cancel the deal."

His expression suddenly became stiff as soon as the words slipped out of my mouth, his eyes twitched. I let go of my grip on him, starting to feel the cuts on my arm once again. It hurts but it doesn't matter for now.

"What did you say? Cancel the deal?" He looked pissed.

I clapped the dust off my hands, "Yeah, cancel the deal. Did you not hear me well? I'm already dead sick of you. Look, I can deal with my own stuff, I don't need your help. Also, I don't care if you get chased by those stupid girls, because it has nothing to do with me, don't you agree?"

He glared at me, at a loss of words, as I felt relieved because I finally told him what I always wanted to say.

Looking at his expression, I couldn't help but a giggle escaped my lips, "Ha..  Ya, I'm not those ordinary weak girls you deal with, I'm different." I fixed my attention on the mattress he brought me, and stepped my foot on it, "Oh, and this. Didn't I tell you before that I am fine sleeping on the floor? I don't get why you brought a mattress for, 'cause it was totally unnecessary. Mind if you take it back?"

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