Until the Day It Becomes a Pumpkin

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At the stroke of midnight, the carriage would change back into a pumpkin. But this particular spell wasn't cast by a fairy godmother.

The group of first year host club members sat in their classroom, listening to the class rep go on about stuff that was probably important. However with the bored looks on the ginger twins faces, Haruhi looking down at her desk and Yuki with her head resting on her desk, none of them seemed to be paying attention. In fact, Yuki was actually asleep at the moment. None of the other three seemed to be able to find the will to wake up the sleeping girl. After all, Yuki did come to school that morning with obvious dark circles under her eyes. It looked like she hadn't slept at all the night before.

Which was true. Ever since she was little, Yuki had suffered from nightmares and night terrors. Which often resulting in her not sleeping more for a few hours every night. Sure there were times where they weren't so bad and she could sleep peacefully. However from the looks of Yuki, at the moment they were actually getting worse. Not that anyone, not even Yuki, knew why.

"Boring! Boring! BORING!" The sound of Renge's loud voice caused Yuki to jerk awake. She looked around for a moment until her eyes landed on Renge who was currently standing on a desk in what looked to be some kind of school uniform. Although not their school uniform. Yuki blinked away the sleep from her eyes as she tried to focus on what was going on around her. The next thing she made out was the twins talking.

"Some people don't wait for halloween to dress up..,"

"Some people cosplay all year around.."

Yuki scuffed at the comment that the twins made. Sure Renge cosplayed a lot but she was almost positive that the host club cosplayed more then anyone else.

"I know that's right. So, what's with the uniform?" Haruhi asked Renge.

"Just between us, this is the female uniform in "Uki-Doki Memorial 2" which isn't scheduled for release until next spring. What do you think?" Renge spun around dramatically. Yuki remembered the name of the dating sim game that lead to the French girl coming to Ouran Academy in the first place. The one that made her think she was actually engaged to Kyoya. Of course Renge would use her families power and wealth to get information from an unreleased game. Now Yuki didn't hate Renge, the brunette just felt like the French girl was to much some times. And that was coming from someone with Ranka as their parent and Tamaki as a friend. "I know important people on the inside, if you catch my drift."

"Miss Hoshakuji, we're having homeroom now. Could you get down off the desk please?" The class rep tried to talk to Renge but the girl seemed to ignore the male.

"Tea parties and cosplay? The Host Club does that practically nonstop! What our halloween requires is something special!" Renge squealed out.

"Oh no.." Yuki mumbled to herself as she sat back in her desk. She had a feeling this was going to be very over the top. Halloween wasn't really a holiday that Yuki ever got into. In fact, none of the Fujioka's did. Sure they went trick or treating when the twins were children but after that, nothing really happened. Besides the girls staying home and eating candy on the couch.

"Um, we're suppose to decide this as a class." The class rep tried to stop Renge from going over bored. Yuki almost felt bad for the guy.

"So I propose holding a Halloween Test-of-Courage Tournament! The bravest student wins!" Renge, again ignore the class rep, shouted.

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