Author Note

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Guys this book is already a total of 69,996 words... That's only like 7,000 words shorter then the first Harry Potter book. 😂 And the book still as at least 5 more chapters to go!

Anyways totally not why I wanted to write this note. I wanted to thank a few of the more active reads of the books. You know the ones who comment and make me think that people are enjoying the book.

So special thanks to the following accounts:







If I missed anyone that has been following the story for a while, I still appreciate you all so much! Every like, comment or even follows make me smile so much. I'm glad you guys like it.

I do also have a question. Because there are a few people who aren't sure who Yuki should end up with. How would you guys feel if I did a split ending. Like a ending where she ends up with Kyoya then another ending where she ends up with Kaoru? How would you guys like that? If that would be a good idea I will probably also just give another ending where she ends up with Ritsu and possibly an ending where she doesn't end up with anyone. But there is still a bit of story left before the ending. Let me know what you think of that. If you guys completely hate it then I'll make it a surprise who she ends up with mwahaha.

Anyways again thank you all so much! I appreciate you all and I hope you guys continue to like the story until the ending.


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