Attack of the Female Manager!

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Yuki walked into the club room for the first time in four days. She had been pretty sick and had been sent home Monday before lunch by one of her teachers then was forced to stay home by her father until she was 100% better. When she walked into the club she was welcomed by warm hellos and tight hugs from Hikaru, Kaoru and even Honey. Today everyone was wearing Kimonos, even Yuki. If she was serving she would have refused, as serving in kimonos is nearly impossible but however she had to take photos. Because of her absent the next photo books had been delayed until further notice and even though Kyoya understood that she had been sick, he didn't enjoy the fact that they wouldn't be making money. Yuki's kimono was pure white with faint flower patterns on it with a blue cloth wrapped tightly around her midsection. At the moment Yuki was standing behind a paper wall taking photos of Hikaru and Kaoru's brotherly love act when she heard some voices from the other side of the wall. 

"Hello Kyoya" Yuki looked over and noticed two girls were kneeling in front of him making her roll her eyes. Since she joined she had yet seen Kyoya take a single guest making her believe that he was only there to be the clubs director and not a host. 

"I can't get over how great you look in that kimono" the other girl spoke with a blush on her cheeks. "Are you planning to release anymore picture books of the host club?" 

Once hearing that, Yuki went into her own emo corner and looked through her pictures. It was her fault for getting sick, she had missed the bus so instead of waiting for the next one she walked home in the rain from work. She was lucky that she didn't have the same fear of thunder and lightning as her sister does or she probably would have never made it home. Yuki was snapped out of her thoughts and her emo corner when she got pulled over to where the rest of the host club was standing by Hikaru and Kaoru. The brunette blinked a few times confused at what had taken place between when she first went into her emo corner and now. 

"How admirable of you!" Tamaki spun in front of Haruhi who was holding a small sweet in a clear box. 'Honestly what happened?' "Such devotion to your mother's memory. Please Haruhi take as many of these as you like." Tamaki piled the same small treats into Haruhi's hands. Yuki was definitely going to steal one once they got back home. 

"Let me guess the tears are fake?" Haruhi asked. Yuki tilted her head to the side confused as to why her sister was making a comment about Tamaki's tears. 

"How could you? My tears are always genuine Haruhi. Being able to cry without the use of eye drops is the mark of a true host." Tamaki explained as he let one tear drop from his eye. 

"Do you use eye drops?" Yuki whispered leaning in between the two gingers. 

"Yup" Both of them answered making the three of them laugh.

Yuki ignored the rest of Tamaki's monologue and turned to Kyoya who was writing on open paper. It was most likely to fit in more with the theme but it was still strange not seeing him without his book. The first year stood on her toes as she tried to read what he was writing and unlike all the other times, Kyoya turned the pages towards her so she could read what he was doing. It was mostly just numbers for the club, math that Yuki wasn't good at, but there were also a few comments between problems about ideas and what not. Yuki was about to ask him a question about one of the notes when the twins spoke up making the members turn towards the door. 

"Looks like the host club as a brand-new guest" The twins said together before going to greet the girl. Yuki couldn't hear the exact words they said but it made the girl look uncomfortable and made Tamaki step forward. 

"Stop that!" luckily for Yuki, Tamaki spoke louder then the twins, "How many times do I have to tell you boys to be more courteous to our first time guests?" Tamaki told the twins before turning on the charm but sadly meant his voice got softer so Yuki couldn't hear anything until..

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