Chaper 2

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After you good old fashioned cry session in the shower you hear FRIDAY announce to all that Stark is holding a meeting in 10 minutes. Just what I feel like doing. You throw on some dark jeans and a fitted gray t shirt. You catch Nat in the hallway and take the elevator to the meeting room.

"Wonder what Stark has planned for us," she says to you. "No idea but if he's calling us in on our off day it must be somewhat important," you say back. She nods and the elevator opens and you both walk in and take your seats at the table.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I gathered you all up here on your off day?," he asks the room. "Well it's pretty interesting actually. There's rumors of a group who's main goal is to create enhanced individuals. Before you freak out,Barnes, no they're not hydra," he says. You take a look at James and see the grip on his chair has lessened and he calms down. You wish you could help and heal him from his trauma. It's just too risky the team finds out what you're fully capable of and that ties into it.

Thor speaks up, "so these humans are trying to modify human DNA...what's the matter as long as they're not hurting anyone? There's nothing wrong with having special capabilities." Stark shoots a look at Thor, "Yeah Point Break nothings wrong with that except most of these people they take are used as experiments. A lot of them have supposedly died from the experimental trials. Most of those they take are deaf, mute or can't walk. Some ailment. They advertise being able to strengthen their bodies but leave out the part that mutates them."

Thor nods and looks in deep thought. "Well where are they Tony or do we not have the information yet?", Steve speaks up. "We know where they are but they're heavily guarded and under heavy security. I don't know how we'll get in to attack the base."

"If we take out the people themselves when they're away from the base then that's at least a start. Get information and pick them off," everyone throws Natasha a 'really?!' Look and she shrugs, "just a suggestion don't have to get all sensitive about it".

You debate speaking up and telling the team your idea but you do anyways. "I think I have an idea. Not sure how you'd like it but it's something." You look around to see if anyone will reject you speaking and to your surprise Tony let's you continue with your plan. "We all know I can read minds it's not a big deal," you wave, " why don't we try to track these people and see where they go in public. They have to be getting the material to mutate innocents somewhere.  When we find that place we go undercover and I can enter their minds and see what information I can pull. The only issue is I need them to hold still and not run as well as the other individuals involved with them. This needs to be stealthy. They can't know what I'm doing or I'll be in danger." They all nod as you spoke.

Tony is the first to speak, "That isn't a bad idea squirt. I forget you do more than just move things with you mind. But why can't you hold them yourself?" "It's too difficult to use that many of my abilities at once. Trying to do it all myself could hurt me and others," you explain to tony. "I may know someone who will help but it'll be hard getting him here," Thor speaks at last. The group looks at him with a questioning look. "Loki, my brother. He has magical capabilities he can do much of what our Y/N can do and maybe more. I know that he can hold the men still for her with a simple immobility spell."

I've never met someone else who has magic like that running through their veins. Eager at the chance to meet finally meet Loki you tell everyone you think having another true magic user will be beneficial to the mission. During the conversation Tony had reached out to Fury and found out a few of the agents of the secret organization will meet at an upscale bar tonight.

"How are we going to distract the men long enough for you to pull the information?," Wanda finally speaks up. "Tony what do they do for entertainment at the bar?," you ask. "High Rise? Oh they have people who come and sing for them. Why?" He questions. "Well if we need a distraction that is safe for everyone I can sing very well. At least from what I've been told. I can be the distraction," you state flipping your hair jokingly at the last part and smile. "You're in. You better be damn good," Tony laughs. "Alright that's settled. Thor, contact Loki and see if he's willing to help we have most the plan set up just need him to follow through," Steve says as he gets up from the table ready to leave. Thor nods and heads outside. You assume to go to Asgard?

You quietly make your way to your room and start to think about what you've just agreed to. Singing!?! You know you can shield your siren abilities with magic so it won't affect anyone but still. You haven't done it in awhile. It'll be ok. Your main focus is to grab their attention and keep it on you. But how can you guarantee that without using your siren song powers? You can't but you'll just have to try.

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