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A/N: In honor of my love for J. Cole and all that he stands for...enjoy the song on the right! I had this song in rotation while I was writing this chapter.

There's going to be a lot of going back and forth between Bryce and Shay's point of view. Sorry if that annoys anybody. *shrugs*

Bryce's POV

This didn't make any sense. No, I have to be dreaming. Yeah, this was just another crazy silly dreams of mine. My mother disappeared years ago...she was dead to me. The woman strapped to the ground wasn't my mother she was just a fragment of my imagination. Only, I wish I could believe myself. This was way too fucked up even for my own subconscious mind. I shook my head in just disbelief and pure disgust.

"What happened to you?" the words finally escaped my lips.

I couldn't met her gaze. "We both know what happened." she scoffed. "This is the result of my own dismays. I allowed materialistic things get in the way of what was important: my family. I know you probably could careless what I have to say but I'm so sorry Bryce."

Her voice cracked. I'm not sure if it was from the lack of not using it or if she was crying. "But-"

"Please, let me finish. I never thought I would see you again so I have to get this all out before it's too late. I let you and your sister down. I wasn't the mother that you needed me to be. I was a shitty mother blinded by greed and lust. That's why even if I could get out of these shackles I wouldn't because you guys are better off without me in your life. This is my punishment and I've accepted it."

I looked at her then. Was she serious? "Bryce, I don't know what you're doing here in the first place or what your plans are but I know they aren't good. Your uncle talks about you sometimes to me, you know? He told me all about you being in the streets and him taking you under his wing. Your father and I never wanted that for you Bryce. That's why your dad moved you away from them. But I only brought you closer to them in the end."

"How long were you messing around with Raymond?" I questioned.

"A few months after you were born." she answered.

I let out a much needed breathe. That means Raymond can't be my father. "The reason why I sent Katrina far away was because Raymond's really her father." That explains her bi-polar sadistic ways. "He found out that Katrina was his and I couldn't let him ruin her life."

I scoffed. "Well that didn't work out well." My mom looked like she was about to say something but I spoke before she could. "Then why was there a paternity test on me?"

She signed. "Your father knew about me and Raymond. He thought it was only one time and just for his piece of mine I guess, he got a paternity test done. Though when Raymond found out he changed. He became someone I didn't even know anymore. He was possessive, jealous and aggressive. I believe greed took over him as well. He couldn't stand not having what he wanted. As well as out beating his brother."

I frowned. "What are you saying?"

"Raymond killed your father Bryce." she didn't even blink. She continued to talk as I only stared dumbfounded at her. "He is a very jealous man and he couldn't bare not having what your father had. He wanted me and you guys - his own family. On top of your father having your Grandfather's company. He wanted it all and he did everything to get it."

Tears began to flow down her cheeks then. "I-I tried to stop him Bryce, I swear. He wouldn't listen to me. He was far too gone! After your father died things only got worse. He wouldn't let me out of his sight. He abused me in every way humanly possible. And one night I tried to escape only to be captured before I even stepped a foot off the property. Which leads me to here. He locked me away even when I begged him to kill me he wouldn't. He told me that all this was my fault. And maybe he was right."

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