A Letter to Mother

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A/n hey. This part is mainly in the form of a letter from Tom to his mum. So don't get confused! Love ya 

Hello there!

It has been a long while since I last wrote to you because things have been a little hectic with Emmeline Rose – who misses her Grandma. It is two o’clock in the morning now and I thought seeing I am having trouble sleeping I should take the opportunity to write to you. Where should I start? Oh yes! Let’s start with the girls who you have seemed to have taken a charm to. Stephanie is still in Australia performing her heart out to large audiences of people and maybe a couple of wallabies. Sorry that was a poor joke. She should be back in a week though! Lauren on the other hand is currently staying with us due to being mugged recently and feeling vulnerable. I quite enjoy her company and Emmeline loves her. She is quite the babysitter.

This is good because our usual babysitter – Nathan – is battling an oesophageal cancer. He is receiving treatment weekly and the doctors think that he should make a full recovery which is absolutely marvellous. He and Elinor are expecting a baby in about five months. It will give Emmy a baby friend! Oh who else…oh yes! Anthony! Do you remember him? He went off to the States to be a mega stylist, well he might be returning to London, fingers crossed. I fear that Benedict is drifting away from the fashion tips that were given to him.

This leads me quite nicely onto my darling fiancé. He loves Emmeline to bits and would honestly do anything for her. The other day, I returned from the supermarket to find him snoozing on the sofa in front of a baby television show with Emmeline lying across his chest. I have taken pictures which I will send to you via email at some stage.

Lastly, I ask you to bear with me being so distant because I am battling with Vanessa’s lawyers because according to her if I marry the man I love then she will take my child away from me. But do not worry mum. I have it all under control.

Love your son,

Thomas x

P.S. Send Emma and Sarah my love


It is a couple of days later and it is breakfast time in the apartment. Emmeline is being fed her milk by Lauren whilst Tom is making himself some toast. “I am going to go and get the post after I feed this little one.” Lauren informs Tom who smiles at her gracious behaviour.

“Don’t worry about it, I will do it now.” Tom replies with the same level of grace.

“You are in your pyjamas!” She laughs, “I will go.”

“Lauren. Don’t worry! You have done so much already and-”

“I am going.” Benedict interrupts the pair bickering kindly to dash downstairs to receive the post making Tom chuckle as the toast pops out of the toast and Lauren giggles. A few minutes of crunching, slurping and the infant cooing pass when the Sherlock star returns. He flicks through the junk mail and finds a small, delicate letter for Tom which he boomerangs at him dramatically. “Thanks.” Tom mutters as he tears open the envelope. It is a letter from his mother:

Dear my beautiful son,

I am so happy to hear from you! I am so sorry that Vanessa is being a pain but try not to fret dear. I am rooting for you Tom. I will come and visit you soon and I am available for babysitting when the lovely Lauren is busy so do not be scared to ask me. I am sorry to hear about the mugging, it is so unfortunate and some people just don’t think before they do. Please pass my best wishes onto everyone especially Lauren.

Love you,

Mum xxx


Vanessa stirs in her bunk bed, the rough mattress rubs harshly against her skin. “I am going to get him.” She mumbles over and over…

A/n thoughts? 

A couple of things:

1) I will hopefully update again this weekend :)

2) What do you guys think about Anthony returning? Did you like him as a character?

3) Please check out my Tom Hiddleston fanfiction which is ongoing at the moment. It is called 'Runaway' and I would really appreciate it if you would check it out.

Please vote/comment/share <3

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