Chapter 2

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Turning one of the spotlights towards the examinee that asked, seeing a dark-blue haired teen stand, his arm up in somewhat of a robotic position.

"Hit me!" Present Mic said, acknowledging the young teen, giving him permission to ask away. Everyone's attention turned to the examinee, including Karma and Nagisa.

"On the print-out, you've listed 4 faux villains, but you only talked about 3. With all due respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful! We are exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do!" He goes on to say. He then turns to point at Izuku, causing for another spotlight to be shone on the said greenette.

"And you, with the unkempt hair! You've been muttering all this time. Stop it. If you can't be bothered to take this seriously then leave!" Izuku's eyes widened and he stood up, bowing and apologizing profusely.

Apparently this kid wasn't done because he then turned a little and pointed at Nagisa. "You, girl with the light blue pigtails. Don't you know it's illegal to carry such weapons on this school's property! You should leave you villain! It's a disgraceful act to have such villainous objects and motives here!"

Karma seemed to have had enough of this guy's attitude because he boldly stood up and scoffed. "Present Mic, I apologize for my interruption, but I want to say something." He patiently waited for the simple nod that the said hero gave before turning his attention back to the rude examinee.

"Ya know, I hate people who are so stuck up. What school did you come from because it seems like the school you came from shoved a stick up your ass. For your information, Nagisa~chan is a boy. Get his gender right. You wouldn't want to be called a girl do you? Secondly, his weapon is none of your concern. He got government and school permission to bring and use it, so don't accuse him wrongly before you get your facts right. Another thing is that I would appreciate it if you don't call my friends villains. We're here to be heroes, so don't call anyone here a villain."

He shoved his hands inside his pockets before continuing his rant, "Also, Izu~kun didn't bother me. Nor did he bother anyone else. You're just making his muttering more dramatically impulsive than it really is. So, sit down, shut up, and let Present Mic speak." Karma then sat down again, facing the stage where Present Mic was standing, his hand over his mouth in what seemed to be an attempt at keeping in his laughter.


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