Chapter 23

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After that it was lunch period. Izuku, Karma, and Nagisa had decided to hang out with both Iida and Uraraka for this period. 

As they got to the entrance of the cafeteria, Ochaco sighed at the sight of the crowded room. "Gah~ It's so crowded in here." 

"Well, of course it would be. It's not only the hero course but the support and the management course students have lunch at this time, We simply share the cafeteria." Iida explained. 

As they sat down on one of the lunch tables, the small group of 5 had begun eating their requested lunches; courtesy of the Cook Hero: Lunch Rush. 

"This rice is delicious!" Ochaco exclaimed with a cheeky smile, her cheeks puffed up as rice filled her cheeks. 

Nagisa sweat dropped at how expressive Ochaco was. Sure he knew a couple people that were similar, but none of them really hit this level of bubbly attitude. 

Izuku on the other hand was sweating in his seat. Sure he was the vice-president of E-class, but Isogai made most of the decisions. Even then, he wasn't often put on the spot like this. 

"I-I don't know about this whole class representative thing. I mean, Isogai made most of the decisions and I don't think I fit the role," Izuku vented. Karma and Nagisa glanced at each other before giving Izuku incredulous stares. 

"You're kidding right?" Nagisa asked. Izuku simply shook his head. Karma's smirk fell as he stared at the greenette that sat across from him. 

"Wow. You think Isogai really did that all on his own? Have you forgotten how many of our attempts were planned by you and only was then backed up by Isogai? Or how many times you were leading us during some ASSA missions?" Karma scoffed, rolling his eyes at how much his friend thought lowly of himself. 

"What's ASSA?" Ochaco butted in. From what she was hearing, Izuku was pretty good at leading, but what bugged her was what ASSA meant. She didn't know and when she searched it up on her phone, it was blocked and couldn't find any search results for it. 

"Your courage and quick thinking under stress will help make you a worthy leader. Not to mention the strength you've demonstrated. Those are the reasons I voted for you, at least." Iida added, cutting over Ochaco's question much to the trio's delight. 

"You were one of the 3 that voted for me?" Izuku queried. Iida looked at him in confusion. 

"Three? You had 5 votes..." Iida trailed off. 

"Well, I know that Nagisa and Karma had voted for me since not only do they not really know anyone else, they had voted me in as vice-president of our old class..." Izuku explained bluntly. 

"Ahh~ Makes sense, however who were the other 2 that had voted for you?" Iida queried. 

"It was definitely Kirishima and Uraraka."

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