Chapter 12

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Kirishima was the one who had called out to the trio, beckoning them over to the little group that had formed before they had gotten into the classroom.

"What's up?" Karma asked nonchalantly.

"Well, we saw you guys out yesterday and we were wondering why you had such a big group. Also, um, do you know like that whole group?" Sero addressed. The trio glanced at each other before nodding, giving no further explanation. That didn't sit well with Bakugo though.

"Eh? You fuckers! How do you know those extras? Besides, stupid Deku probably is outcasted by them and only is taken in for pity!" he mocked, cackling at the greenette. He stopped mid-laugh as a new yet suffocating atmosphere engulfed the group. It was bloodlust. Specifically from Karma.

"Gomen Gomen~ I thought you were better than that. Guess you're all bark no bite~" Karma teased, "You're a little pathetic mouse trying to attack a lion."

"The hell you talking about extra!" Bakugo fumed. This bastard though he was a mouse! Calling him weak?!?! No. That's like asking for death in his eyes.

Bakugo got up and personal, raising his hand as explosions popped off near Karma's head. He smirked and growled, "You think I'm weak fucker? Say it again and you'll fall victim to my explosions!"

Although, Karma seemed rather irritated instead of scared. He moved Bakugo's hand before leaning down, getting close to Bakugo as he whispered, "You gotta get that temper under control Bakuhoe. Besides, I can smell you're breath..."

The trio walked off before he could say anything else, his words drowned out by the bell, signaling for classes to start. Annoyed, Bakugo plopped himself into his seat, threats and such running through his head during class periods.

At last, it was the final class of the day. The students of 1-A were chatting with one another, gossiping about how All Might was supposedly going to be teaching at UA this year. Only the three assassins knew he was going to be teaching for sure, so they didn't pay much mind to the gossip around them.

The door slammed open as a large, built figure came through the door.

"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THIS DOOR LIKE A HERO!" resounded through the room as All Might posed in front of the students. Gasps were heard as mummers began flooding through the room.

"I can't believe it's All Might!" "He really is a teacher here at UA!"

"This year is going to be totally awesome!" "Wait. Isn't that-"

"That's his silver age costume!" "I'm getting goosebumps! It's so retro!"

All Might raised his hand, signaling for the students to quiet down. Once done, he cleared his throat before beginning his lecture.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High! Think of it as 'Hero-ing 101.' Here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good! I've got a special helper joining me!" He motioned towards the door and you could hear a *zip!* sound as what looked to be a round object with string latch onto All Might's arm and a feminine grunt as someone flew through the door, landing on their feet. Standing up and brushing off the dust on their suit, they looked up and smiled,

"Hey everyone! It's your favorite hero from France!"

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