Chapter 21

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The next day during homeroom, Aizawa began his lecture, all students sat in their assigned seats and attentive.

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results. Bakugo, you are talented, so don't sulk like a child over your loss okay? It's pointless to cry over spilt milk." He addressed. He then turned his attention to the greenette.

"Midoriya, I saw the way you won your match. Paralysis gas was pretty smart, however don't use that again against your peers. I'll allow it if fighting against villains, however if it can cause damage to your peers, even if it's temporary, I will not tolerate it again and you will be punished for it. Do I make myself clear?"

Izuku simply nodded as he didn't trust his own mouth to say a simple "okay" without being rude since he wasn't having the best morning at the moment...


Izuku had gotten to the gates of UA with Karma and Nagisa beside him. He noticed a group of people stating around the entrance and realized they were reporters. However, the trio couldn't evade them quick enough and were soon pulled into the sea of information-thirsty adults.

"Hey you! Can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with All Might?" One of them asked.

"Sorry. I... uh... have to go to the nurse's office! Yeah! I have to go right away!" Izuku tried to excuse.

"Are you one of All Might's students?"

"Tell us-- what's the Symbol of Peace like in person?"

"Um... what's he like?" Nagisa thought aloud, "W-Well he's super uh-"

"Muscle-y! Yeah! Super muscle-y!" Karma interjected holding Nagisa close to him.

"How is he faring as a teacher? What are you learning?" the same reporter continued.

"Aren't you that kid from the sludge villain!" One of the reporters pointed out, pointing the mic at Izuku.

"Can you get All Might for us?" Another queried.

Izuku shook his head and tried to turn them down politely.

~End of Flashback~

Izuku was so fed up in the end that the just picked up Nagisa and Karma and jumped over the fence, making sure to scan their cards before heading inside. Once they got to class they sat down and Izuku simply fell asleep before class began and Nagisa woke him up before Aizawa began his lectures.

"Now. Let's get down to business. Your first task will decide your future." Aizawa began before rudely getting interrupted by the students.

"Another quirk test?!?!" They asked.

"No. You all need to pick a class representative..."

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