Chapter 5

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A couple days had passed since the exam and although the trio had secured spots in UA, they were anxiously awaiting their letters. Mainly because they didn't want to be separated from one another in different departments. As each day passed, they took turns checking the mail of their respective houses to see if the letters had came in.

On the 3rd day, it was Izuku's turn to check. When he opened the mailbox, there it was. Low and behold, in the mailbox was his mom's bills and stuff, but sat atop it all was a wax-sealed envelope. Izuku quickly took in the mail, taking his letter up to his room before calling the other two, informing them of the letter's arrival.

"Guys! It came in!" He screamed into the phone. You could hear rustling of what probably was a blanket and someone else running on the other ends of the call. As both sides became silent, Izuku guessed that they were sitting at their desks as well.

"Ok. Let's open these letters together. On three... "




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