Chapter 20

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When they returned to the monitor room, All Might then began asking his questions to the students.

"So, who do you think was the MVP of this exercise?" he asked. The class was silent finding it hard to decide on a one minute match. Momo Yaoyorozu raised her hand gaining the attention of both her classmates and her teachers.

"We couldn't find one. It was a good idea to make the match short as possible to cause the least amount of damage to both the building and the other students, but that caused for us to find little fault in either ends. Not only that, but we couldn't see anything that happened. It occurred too fast for our brain to process," she explained. All Might sweat dropped but nodded none the less.

"Y-yes. Ms. Yaoyorozu is correct. I think that maybe Kaminari should be more aware of his surroundings next time, but that's about it!" He added.

Just like that the rest of the class went on to do the exercise before the school bell rung, allowing for all students to head home.

Izuku quickly went to change and ran out the door looking for a certain explosive blonde. He eventually found him walking out the gates of UA.

"KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled. Bakugo halted in his steps for a second before turning his head slightly, showing that he was listening.

"What?" He said curtly. He was being oddly quiet.

"I haven't told anyone, not even my mom." Izuku lied. He told those of 3-E because he knew they could keep the secret, but it wasn't a complete lie since his mom didn't know.

"I-I have to tell you something. Maybe then you'll understand what's going on." Izuku took a deep breath before continuing, "I haven't been hiding my quirk from you. I-it was given to me by someone else. H-However I can't tell you who gave it to me so don't ask! I-I know it sounds crazy like something out of a comic book, but it's real. I don't have complete control over it, but until then, I'll try to work on making this power my own!"

Bakugou cut him off right then and there. His eyes were brimming with tears, however he didn't let them fall. He was angry and he let it out on Izuku, "HOW DUMB DO YOU THINK I AM! "BORROWED POWER?" TCH. DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE I'M SOME STUPID IDIOT! YOU MADE A FOOL OUT OF ME DURING THE PRACTICE SO WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO RUB IT INTO MY FACE? I LOST AND TO MAKE IT WORSE IT WAS AGAINST YOU! DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT! ENJOY THAT WIN DEKU BECAUSE YOU WON'T BE GETTING ANOTHER ONE OUT OF ME!" He stormed off as Izuku just sighed.

"You guys can come out of the bushes. I know you're there." Izuku sighed exasperatedly. Nagisa and Karma walked out and patted him on the shoulder.

"You did the right thing. Just make sure not to let out any other secrets to mr. Pomeranian over there, alright?" Nagisa comforted, his hand rubbing Izuku's back.

"You're fine. Come on. Let's go home eat dinner and get some rest. We got a long day tomorrow." Karma suggested. Izumi and Nagisa nodded in agreement and the trio began their trek home from a long day at UA High.

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