Chapter 3

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Apparently the examinee was too shocked to say anything back because he just sat back down, keeping quiet like Karma had "asked." Karma, seemingly satisfied with his reaction, sat back in his seat with a smug smirk plastered on his face.

After Present Mic collected himself, he decided to address the examinee's question, "Alright, alright examinee number 7111. Thanks for calling in with your request." 

He gave the said examinee a thumbs-up before continuing on with his presentation, "The fourth villain type is worth zero points! That guy's just an obstacle we'll be throwing into the mix to block your way! There's one in every battle center. Think of it as something you want to just avoid. There's no point, although it can be beaten. I would just recommend my listeners to ignore it!"

Just like that, everyone began heading towards their designated battle center. Luckily, Karma, Nagisa, and Izuku had been assigned the same battle center. As they waited for the buzzer to go off, Karma smirked as he pointed out 'Examinee 7111' hanging out and talking with another person, specifically a brunette girl.

"Hey! Check it out, Examinee 7111 is chatting up another gal! Yet he told us to be serious about this," Karma pointed out excessively loud.

Said examinee blushed out of embarrassment as he stopped mid-conversation before turning around and stiffly walking off, leaving the poor girl confused and embarrassed.

They heard the large buzz, signaling for everyone to get ready. The trio began making their way towards the exam gate and they heard Present Mic do a countdown before a large beeping noise sounded, starting the mock battles.

As the buzzer went off, everyone but the trio had stayed still, not entering the arena. "Well, what are you waiting for?!? You don't wait for someone to say, "GO!" in a villain fight!" Was all that could be heard before a stampede of examinees began running around and gaining points in their respective arenas.

As the trio went off, Karma went with the same tactic as he did with Koro-Sensei and decided to use the robot's limits to his advantage. He decided to melt the BBB bullets and placed it on the ground and that caused for it to actually have effect on the robots. He did that for a little bit before using his quirk, heaving a couple into the air and smashing them back down.

"That's 89 points... I wonder what Nagisa's up to?"


As Karma was doing what he did best, Nagisa had decided to use the knife. He quickly cut up a couple different point-bots, giving him about 65 points. Not too bad. He was doing his own thing before seeing Izuku flashing past him.

"Nagisa~kun, gimme a boost!" He called to the latter. Nagisa's response was quick as he knelt down with his hands down on the floor, allowing for Izuku to launch himself off Nagisa's back, giving him the chance to drop-kick a couple bots himself.

As the group fought, a loud and heavy pacing of some sort resounded in the arena. A giant shadow loomed overhead, the source of it being an extremely large faux villain...

The zero pointer....

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