Chapter 6

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As they simultaneously opened their letters, each held a disk. Placing it down and clicking the only button on it led to their disks projecting a holographic version of what they could guess to be Principal Nezu.

"Hello! I am Principal Nezu and as you know, Koro-Sensei had recommended for you to be part of the UA student body. I hope you will be able to blend in yet still provide protection to the students. By request, you and the other 2 will be in the same department and class. You will be apart of class 1-A, the top class and part of the heroics department. This is your mission!" Was all the holographic Nezu said before the recording stopped. The trio smiled and celebrated with one another before quickly getting to call the rest of 3-E and telling them the news.

Soon afterwards, they went to bed, falling asleep with smiles on their faces...


When they got to school the next day, they were greeted with a couple stares and whispers from those examinees that had gotten accepted as well and had been witnesses to the weapon incident. Though, that didn't matter much to the trio as they continued their stroll through the school grounds, looking for their classroom with little haste.

When they found it, they had gawked at how large of a door the classroom had, but didn't stare too long at it.

"Man. This thing is huge..." Nagisa gaped, each sweat dropping at the size of the classroom door.

In all honesty, they hoped that they didn't have Bakugou nor Examinee 7111 in their class. So much for that thought because as they were about to open the door, they heard a bit of an argument burst out....

"Take your feet off that desk now!"


"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffling school property, you cretin!"

"You're kidding me right? Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?"

That simple comment made Karma burst out laughing as he opened the ginormous door, catching the attention of pretty much everyone that was present in the classroom. Especially Bakugou's...

"Hah!?! The hell are you doing here shitty Deku?" Bakugou queried with a scowl. Izuku wasn't the same coward he once was before, so Bakugou's bursts of anger didn't affect him as much. Besides, Bakugou kind of reminded him of Terasaka.

"Not now Kacchan. I'm not in the mood to deal with this..." Izuku sighed, mustering up as much confidence he could at the moment. That seemed to have just angered Bakugou even more.

Picking up the greenette by the collar, he screamed into his face, "You're a quirkless bastard, so how did you get in!?!?! I'll fucking kill you!"

Izuku's head went down, his fluffy hair covering his eyes. "kill me?" He whispered. His lighthearted smile gone, being replaced with a simple yet ominous one.

He dropped his bag, Bakugou's eyes trailing after it. Before anyone else could comprehend what was going on, a loud clap resounded in the room as Izuku was let down and Bakugou fell to the floor.

Izuku, Karma, and Nagisa left to their seats as the bell rung, signaling the beginning of class.

Examinee 7111 was pretty upset with Bakugou's behavior so he was quite pleased to see someone keep him quiet even for just a little while.

As he was going to the trio's desks to thank them, the said trio stood up, getting in a fighting stance. It shocked the other students and led them to confusion, but their actions became clear to them when they noticed a yellow caterpillar-like being had begun squirming into the classroom. It rolled over to reveal a scruffy man with long black hair and tired-like eyes. He unzipped the sleeping bag before sucking the life out of what seemed to be an apple-sauce bag.

"If you're here to just make friends, you can pack your stuff up now." He monotonously said with a sigh, "Welcome to UA's hero course."

"It took you all 8 seconds to shut up. That's not going to work. Time is precious and rational students would understand that. This was demonstrated by the three over there. On that note, I'd like to applaud you for your quick thinking and sharp senses. You were ready to defend even if I wasn't a threat, good job."

He cleared his throat to stop the whispers that were beginning to swirl around the room, "Hello. I'm Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher."

'Our teacher!?!' Many students of the class thought incredulously.

"Right. Put these on and meet me outside," was all Aizawa said before leaving the classroom, heading to the field. The trio made quick of the situation and left the room, heading to the changing rooms and putting their uniforms on before the other males of the class began pouring in.

They quickly made it to the field, pleasantly surprising Aizawa at their speed and haste to complete the task given to them.

A couple minutes later, the rest of 1-A had made it out to the fields, most casually conversing with one another about what they might be doing.

"Right, so today we will be doing an assessment..."

The Assassin's Heroic Mission [TEMPORARY HOLD]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ