Chapter 13

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"OMG it's Ladybug!" "Wahh! She's so cool!" "Look at her outfit!"

Said heroine clapped her hands twice, catching the students' attention.

"Now, I'm sure you all are excited to see me and All Might, but please refrain from asking certain questions regarding our personal lives. As you all know, I am Ladybug, guardian of Paris. I also am guardian to the Miracle Box, which I will not go into detail for private reasons. I will be here during some of your heroics classes to help All Might with teaching." Ladybug affirmed. All Might nodded agreeably.

"Let's get to it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!" He boomed cheerfully, "but, first~"

"One of the things about being a hero is looking good!" Ladybug finished, pushing a button that opened cabinets on the wall, each cabinet lighting up with a number.

"These were designed for you based on your quirk registration form and requests sent in before school started. Get yourselves suited up and meet me at Training Ground Beta!" All Might instructed before rushing out the door, Ladybug following behind.

Quickly, the students of 1-A grabbed their assigned cases and headed off towards the changing rooms. As for the trio, they had their own outfits. It was government-assigned uniforms.

They quickly left the changing room as the other boys began walking in

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They quickly left the changing room as the other boys began walking in. Though, Kaminari and Kirishima were quick to notice the outfit that the 3 assassins-in-training were wearing.

"Hold on. Is that-" Kaminari began.

"You got government-grade uniforms!" Kirishima exclaimed, cutting off Kaminari. the three awkwardly nodded before leaving to the training grounds. The small interaction between the assassins, Kaminari, and Kirishima caused a stir of gossip in the changing room, some wondering where they got it, others falling a little jealous of their classmates.

Once everyone had gotten changed, they headed over to the training grounds as a group with the exception of Karma, Nagisa, and Izuku since they hadn't waited for the rest of the class.

Once they reached the area, they noticed the three talking with each other, but what alarmed the other students was that they were holding knives.

"Excuse me, but why are you holding weapons on campus! It could harm someone!" Iida reprimanded, his arm moving in a robotic-like motion. The trio glanced at each other before laughing, successfully confusing the poor teenager.

"This is made specifically for harming something else. It looks deadly, but it's not. Well, not to humans of course." Nagisa explained giving as little detail as possible. It was still a government secret, so Nagisa couldn't talk about it even if he wanted to. Karma decided to be a pain and tried to stab Nagisa but the latter was quick and dodged his attack.

"Karma~kun! What the heck are you doing!" Nagisa yelped. Karma chuckled before hugging the bluenette with a smirk on his face.

"Ne~ Ne~ Nagi~chan. I was just playing around!" Karma snickered. Izuku sighed before turning his attention from the lovers to Iida who was standing in place, shuffling a bit showing how awkward and uncomfortable he was.

"*ahem* Well, I guess I'll be leaving you guys now. It's time to listen to the lecture," Iida said curtly before walking off to join the rest of the class.

"They say that the clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold you are the proof!" Ladybug beamed.

"Take this to heart. From now on you all are heroes in training!" All Might boomed, "This is getting me all revved up! You all look so cool! Now, shall we get started you bunch of newbies."

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