Chapter 30

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After a long weekend of being away from school, the students of 1-A were back in their classroom, chatting away before classes began. 

"Hey! Did you guys see the news channels?" 

                                   "Yeah! They made it such a big deal that we got attacked." 

"Duh! That hasn't happened in such a long time!" 

                                        "I wasn't even noticeable on the class photo!" 

"I mean, look at Karma, Nagisa, and Izuku. They weren't even in that photo!" 

                               "Oh yea! Where were you guys after that incident? You didn't come back!" 

"We had some stuff to do and decided to skip to get it finished." 

                                                            "Ohh. Alright! You think we're gonna get a sub till Aizawa's better?"

Just then the door slammed open. The class went silent as Aizawa had walked into the classroom. "AIZAWA~SENSEI! YOU'RE ALRIGHT!" 

"You call that alright?" Nagisa sweatdropped. Karma chuckled before leaning back in his chair, watching all the chaos happen. 

"My well-being doesn't matter. Something more important is of the matter." He said tiredly. 


"The Sports Festival is coming up." Aizawa said, a slight sharpness to his voice. 

"A totally normal school event!"              "So many pros are going to be there!" 

"WAIT! What about the villain situation? Is UA going to just brush it off?" 

"Think of this as a way to show the public that we can overcome such situation. Also, security will increase tenfold now that we know there are villains active." Aizawa reassured the class. 

"The Sports Festival has taken the place of the Olympics that used to be the worldwide event. This is your chance to get pros to notice you. You only get one shot each year, 3 total. Make it count. Homeroom is dismissed." A light buzz of chatter began circulating through the class as Aizawa left the room. 

"Let's do our best!" Uraraka exclaimed, her face shadowed. 

'Little scary, but nothing worth screaming about...' Karma judged as he gave a confused look at the students that screamed and jumped at Uraraka's face. 


Standing up, the class began walking towards the door to leave when all of a sudden, you could hear the faint sound of talking outside the door. Upon opening it, they noticed that a crowd was forming in front of their door. 

"Hey! What gives?" Denki asked irritated. He just wanted to get home. It was a long day and all he wanted was to hang around with his family. 

"They're scouting the competition dumbass." Bakugo remarked, walking out the door with his head held high in arrogance. 

"Of course they are. It's because our class survived a villain attack. No point in that to be completely honest." Karma added. He, however, was not looking down at the other class, rather he looked at them straight on. He's learned from his last year at Kunugigaoka that arrogance will never get you anywhere, confidence and strategy will. 

"Move outta my way extras!" Bakugo hollered. Izuku rolled his eyes at the blonde's rudeness. He didn't apologize for Bakugo's actions. Why should he? He wasn't the one shoving people and calling them extras. 

"Well well well, if it isn't the infamous class 1-A." A guy said from within the crowd. He walked forward and you could see him stick out from the rest of the crowd. His hair was an indigo purple and quite messy. His eyes were droopy and tired. "Is it just this guy or is all of class 1-A this arrogant? 

"Nah. It's just this idiot." Karma taunted with his evil smile. The guy rolled his eyes at this, rubbing his hand on his nape. 

"Many of the students here didn't get into the hero course so they had to enroll in other courses such as support or general ed. Did you know that? However, that doesn't mean there aren't opportunities to transfer classes. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfers into the hero course. Which means, they may also transfer some people out." 

A few gasps ran through the backside of the class, probably the less serious ones of the class. 

"I came here with a declaration of war-" He added. 

"HEY! HEY! I'm from the class next door, Class B! I heard you guys fought a buncha villains! Don't get full of yourselves! If you bark too much, it'll be embarrassing for when you when you fight against us and lose!" A young guy said from within the crowd. Bakugo looked on at the crowd before scoffing and shoving his way through them. 

"Hey! Angry Pomeranian! You made this crowd upset, fix it! We aint going to do it for you!" Karma yelled. 

"It doesn't matter..." Izuku said. 

"Hm?" Karma hummed intrigued. 

"It doesn't matter because he believes that as long as you rise to the top, you can say all the crap you want. We gotta go. Kayano-san said she's gonna make me some pudding and I want to get it before the other guys end up stealing it from me." Izuku sighed. 

"What was your name?" Nagisa asked the general ed student. 

"A-ah? It's Shinso, Hitoshi Shinto." He replied, startled at the guy's question. 

"Well Shinso-kun, we accept your declaration of war. See you on the field. May the best student win."

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