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(Lucy's POV)

Lucilia=What happened that day was really was the last day of school and our parents decided to invite everyone included my and Natsu's friends and Lisanna for dinner...Zeref, you couldn't come because of work so you don't know the details. I was assigned to prepare the dinner, when everyone come everything was normal, suddenly the lights were off when I was cooking so I went outside to check and then returned to finish the dishes, when we started to dine...almost everyone except me started to cough blood, you all though it was me since I was the one who cooked, but did anyone saw me putting poison in the food? What reason could I had to poison you all? No one believed, my dear parents including Natsu and Mavis dragged me outside and then abandoned in the road. Guess what happened later! I got crushed by a car, you all though I was dead right? Hell no! Lucy Heartfillia might have died but not Lucilia Carna. Were you having a good time without me? Sorry but I returned. Aahahahaha.


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Natsu=don't you want to know about the car accident? The one who crushed you at time is none other that who hurted us!
Lucilia=I know...but what do you mean by the one who hurted everyone.
Natsu=Lucy, you really don't intend to forgive us?
Lucilia=Do you really think I can ever forgive you?
Natsu=I believe you'll do.
Lucilia=you've gone crazy for sure... exactly like the others who come here today to see me. you really hate us this far? Or is someone else?
Lucilia=what do you mean by that?
Mavis=is you who wants revenge or is for someone else.

do you really hate us this far? Or is someone else?Lucilia=what do you mean by that?Mavis=is you who wants revenge or is for someone else

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Lucilia=I don't know what are you talking about, obviously it's me who wants revenge.

(Natsu and Mavis give a slightly smile at each other)

(Lucilia's POV)

What are they smiling for. Is really me who wants revenge? Or I'm doing this because Sting said those things at that time? No, it must be me, they're trying to confuse me! I can't fall for it, it's all fake, they just don't want to be hurt, they really don't care for me.

Lucilia=I really had enough. I'm going, be prepared everyone!

(Mavis's POV)

We see her go away, mother and Father and were at lost of words, Zeref was shocked since he knew nothing.

Mavis=Natsu I'm giving Lucy to you, make sure to catch her before she falls in the deep darkness.
Natsu=I will.

(Lucilia's POV)

What does Natsu meant by saying that the one behind the car accident was also the one who tried to poison everyone? What really happened that day, everyone surely didn't suspected me without any reason, among the invited people there was one who wanted to destroy me.

(Natsu's POV)

That day, there was someone who wanted to break our relation with Lucy and destroy her, this someone was one of the invited.

That day, there was someone who wanted to break our relation with Lucy and destroy her, this someone was one of the invited

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To be continued...

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