CHAPTER XXXIII The culprit is Lisanna

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Lucilia=the culprit? You seems to have some clue about that.
Natsu=that day among the invited people there was surely a person who wanted to destroy your life.
Lucy=there were 3 people if I'm not wrong.
Natsu=exactly, but among those there was one that hated you to death Lucy. It was Lisanna!
Lucilia=Lisanna? Yes, she always bullied me at school but I never knew the reason.
Natsu=I know...she loved and I rejected because I loved you.
Lucilia=ahhhh...she's crazy if she wanted to kill me for such a idiotic reason. Since we know the culprit, let's collaborate for now Natsu.
Natsu=good!I really want to see her cry.

(Natsu's POV)

We call everyone to tell them about Lisanna and organize our plan to make Lisanna say the truth...without that damn girl in the way I can finally reconcil with Lucy. I heard from metal-freak that he reconciled with Levy, that damn freak is faster than me, I even heard that also ice-cone is moving forward with Juvia. Why the hell I'm always last in these things.

(Lucilia's POV)

I call Sam and say to him to prepare everything for my new plan and to not tell Sting. Sam tells me that next day it will held a party for our companies' successful collaboration. I tell it to Natsu who smiles slightly making me shiver a little.

(With Zeref and Mavis...)


Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra. little sister hates me. What should I do Zeref?
Zeref=first stop crying and don't worry, there's Natsu with her, he will make her back to her senses.
Mavis=Natsu? Are you aware that your little brother is an idiot?
Zeref=ehm...yeah, but if it's Lucy he can do it. Trust me, he loves her more than anything, maybe you don't know but he loved her since ages.
Mavis=okay...By the way, they said it was Lisanna the culprit that day, shouldn't we help a little.
Zeref=You're right. It's been a while since we toke action, let's have fun...And I wanted we have to attend a party for the companies' collaboration.
Mavis=I see...

To be continued...

A NALU STORYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora