CHAPTER XXXII Lisanna's flashback

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Sting=obviously I knew and I also knew about her past. Now that you've found out get the hell out you freak!
Natsu=One minute...

(Lucilia's POV)

He pauses for a moment then takes me in his shoulder and runs away. I'm sure now, he's crazy!

 I'm sure now, he's crazy!

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(With Lisanna...)

(Lisanna's POV)

That damn Lucy, how the hell did she survived?! All she does is to get in my and Natsu's way, because of her I never could get Natsu and everything that should have belonged to me! She's a nuisance, how would have been if my plan worked at that time.

(Lisanna's Flashback...)

It was my first day at High school, I was excitingly searching for Natsu when I see him talking to a blonde girl, I remain for a second to amaze the girl's beauty when I realize how Natsu was staring at her, he was blushing and talking very softly. I never saw Natsu like that, he never talked with me like that...what did she had more than me? Beauty? No, I was wrong at that moment, soon I understand how brilliant she was, she was superior than me in everything, that was what made me hate her. I was in love with Natsu and he always knew that, but rejected me saying he had someone he liked, I immediately knew it was her, I don't wanted them to  e together, I bullied her and made her life like hell at school. The last day of school I was invited by aunt Layla, she was an old friend of my mother. I had enough of Lucy so that day I put in action my plan.

(End of Flashback)

(Lisanna's POV)

Now they all know that Lucy is Lucilia Carna, hope they won't find out who was the culprit, what I did can be punished with 20 years of prison here in Fiore.

(With Natsu and Lucy...)

Lucilia=could you stop dragging me, it's really annoying and uncomfortable.
Natsu=sorry...let me kiss you as my apologie.
Lucilia=Hell no! Now tell me what the hell do you want!
Natsu=it's serious this time, I brought you here so we could talk about alone about the culprit of that day!

To be continued...

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