Now You Are My Prison

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The wedding went better than I expected.

Ricky and I didn't exchange words to each other, but I don't think anyone really noticed since everyone was so caught up in each other.

The reception was alright.

Of course we had to have the dreaded moment of having our first dance which I just rested my head on Ricky's shoulder so I wouldn't have to look at him. He just held me as we swayed back and forth throughout the whole song.

It felt weird to have these strange, not full of hate moments with Ricky. It seemed that tonight was full of them.

For example, not once did I get a hateful look from him tonight. He was actually smiling which I returned occasionally.

Maybe he would stay like this? Maybe there was a chance that we wouldn't hate each other.

Soon, it was time for everyone to leave. It was around midnight, just like I expected.

Once everyone was cleared out, it was just the wedding party and our parents left.

"So you're leaving for tour tomorrow?" My Father asked Ricky.

Ricky nodded. "Yeah, we leave in like four hours actually. We should be leaving here soon."

"Limo's waiting for everyone when you guys are ready." He said with a smile. "Take good care of my Abigail." He said while reaching out for a handshake which Ricky smiled at him and shook his hand.

"I will." Ricky said before my Dad went to go collect Chloe, my Mother and a sleeping Daniel.

We made our way out to the limo which was indeed parked outside.

Everyone was patiently waiting behind us to get in.

I got in first since my dress was huge and I sat down on one side of the limo while Ricky sat down on the other side, directly across from me.

Chris ended up sitting beside me as everyone piled in.

"So, you two going to stop bitching at each other now?" Balz asked once the limo was moving.

"Probably not." I said while looking to Balz.

Balz groaned. "I hate you guys right now."

I laughed. "Love you too Balz."

"Hey!" Chris said from beside me. "What about me?" He joked.

"I love all of you guys." I laughed while giving him a side hug, but I looked to Ricky. Weird. He was starring right back, but he looked away when I looked over.

Soon, the limo pulled up to the apartment.

"See you guys in a few hours." Balz said hopping out of the limo.

I gathered the poofy dress the best of my ability and wiggled out of the limo, and Ricky followed.

"Bye!" I said as I started walking up to the door.

Once Balz unlocked the door, the first thing I did was ditch the shoes I was wearing.

"We have to pack for tour." Ricky said while I started yawning.

"You guys haven't even packed yet?" Balz asked in disbelief.

"No." I said while trailing off my voice.

He laughed. "Well, goodnight have fun staying up, see you in a few hours." Balz said while walking to his bedroom.

I sighed. "I'm going to shower quickly then I'll come pack." I told Ricky.

Surviving Ricky (A Ricky Horror/ MIW fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now