What Lies Beneath

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It's been a month since I told Ricky. We haven't told anybody else yet.

I'm surprised Chris hasn't spilled the news yet, but he's being a good friend and saving the excitement for us.

Ricky actually warmed up to the idea of being a family better than expected. I could tell he was still a little unsure about everything, but in the end everything should be fine.

My stomach was also starting to swell a little bit, but it was so small that I could pass it off as I ate too much or something.

Since I was officially in my second trimester, we decided that it was time to tell everyone, but only after we go to the doctors appointment together so Ricky can see our baby in person.

That's where we currently were.

We sat in the room, waiting for the same doctor to come in. Ricky was shaking with excitement and I laid on the table with my shirt up.

The doctor knocked on the door before coming in.

"Hello Abigail. Is this the father of the baby?" She asked while looking to Ricky.

He smiled. "Yeah. I'm Ricky. It's nice to meet you." He said while shaking her hand.

After the little introduction, she got straight to work.

The cold gel was put on my stomach, and in no time the monitor was showing its black and white dots again.

It took her a few minutes to find the baby, but once she found it, she instantly snapped a photo for us.

"So this is your baby." She said while pointing to the monitor. I looked to Ricky who was smiling. "Here you can see the formation of their head, and you can see the pulse of their heart." The doctor said while pointing it out.

"Amazing." Ricky mumbled.

"It is, isn't it?" The doctor smiled.

We bid our farewells to the doctor once everything was done, and Ricky and I walked out of the office hand in hand once we were ready.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a Dad." Ricky said while starting up our car. "I can't wait to tell everyone."

That's when I got a terrible thought. "Ricky. Do you know how much shit the guys are going to give us?"

"What do you mean?" He asked while raising an eyebrow.

"The teasing?"

He laughed. "Just ignore it! I've been telling you that."

I sunk back into my seat with my hands over my belly. "Okay." I mumbled.

Ricky drove us down unfamiliar streets until we pulled up in front of a little house.

"This is Chris' new place." Ricky said. "It's got a little studio in the basement so it's going to be easier to record." He said with a smile while walking up to the house.

I groaned. "Did you bring me here to record? You've been recording for like the past three weeks!"

Ricky laughed. "No. We're just stopping by."

"Okay." I smiled as we got to the door.

Ricky just walked in, like all of the guys started doing to each other's houses.

"Honey I'm home!" Ricky called once we got inside.

I heard a laugh coming from down a hall before Chris came down it.

"Hey guys." Chris said, coming over and hugging me. "I haven't seen you in a while."

Chris and I last saw each other on the day I told Ricky. After that, Ricky was just spending more time with me...even if that meant he was recording and I was there. The only communication between Chris and I was a small text I sent saying 'I told him'.

Surviving Ricky (A Ricky Horror/ MIW fan fic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat