It's My Life My Body

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"Come on sweetheart, you should come home just to rest or something." Ricky tried to get me out of the hospital room.

I was allowed to leave now, but refused to discharge myself from the hospital. "I'm not leaving until Mia can come home with us."

"Abby that could be weeks!"

"I doubt that. She's only a month and a half premature. She could come out any day!" I argued.

Ricky sighed in defeat. "Okay well I'm going to go back and feed the cat and get some more clothes. You're fine here by yourself?" He asked me.

"Yes, Ricky. I'm fine."

"Okay, I'll see you in an hour." He said while kissing me quickly.

I sighed and laid back down on my hospital bed.

Mia was only allowed out of her incubator at certain times of the day. Right now wasn't one of those times.

Everyone has been taking turns visiting us. We've been here for a week and a half.

It's a really difficult time of year to have a baby since Christmas was in two and a half weeks. Everyone was rushing to buy gifts for their loved ones, and also trying to make the time to visit us.

I didn't ask them to, but they insisted. Chris especially. He loved Mia so much.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

Rachael entered the room with Reagan in her arms. She wasn't able to get a flight last week due to all the sold out flights.

"Hey you're finally here." I smiled as she closed the door behind her.

"Hey, sorry it took so long. I've been trying to get here as fast as I could." Rachael said while setting Reagan down. "Go say hi to Auntie Abby." Rachael said to Reagan.

"Hi." He said shyly from behind his mothers leg.

"I don't think he remembers me." I laughed.

"It's because Ricky's not here." She smiled. "Speaking of Ricky, where is he?" She asked.

"You just missed him." I said. "He's just running home to feed the cat and get clothes."

"Ah I see. Now where's this niece of mine?" Rachael smiled.

"She's wherever the babies are kept. I haven't left this room so only Ricky knows where to go." I said with a guilty smile.

"I guess it's just us for a little bit then, huh?" She laughed while taking a seat where Ricky usually is.

"Nope!" A voice came from the doorway. I looked over and Ryan and Balz walked into the room.

"Don't you guys have anything better to do?" I asked the two boys.

"No, the girls kicked us out of Balz's apartment so that they could wrap presents." Ryan told me.

"So why not go to your house?" I asked.

"Fuck that." Ryan laughed.

"Language!" I shouted while pointing to Reagan.

Balz slapped Ryan upside the head before they both took a seat at the foot of my bed.

"Rick's not here?" Balz asked.

"He should be back soon." I told him.

"Where's the kid?" Ryan raised an eyebrow.

"Sleeping probably." I mumbled.

Reagan started tugging Rachael's pant leg. "Mommy I'm bored."

Rachael sighed and looked down to Reagan. "We just got here. We have to wait for your uncle."

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