I'm Living One Big Nightmare

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So Ricky lost.

Ange was running around the RV celebrating his victory and Chris was now pouting while writing out his new driving schedule. Ricky just sat in his seat, looking down at his lap obviously very angry.

I couldn't go anywhere. I had to stay seated where I was and try to make myself as small as possible. If I went to the back, the guys would throw Ricky in there with me and start his 'punishment' now. Why am I being punished for this too?

"When do you want to start, Rick?" TJ teased Ricky.

"Never." Ricky mumbled. I rolled my eyes and looked at Ryan who was sitting beside me.

"I really hate you guys right now." I said quietly so only Ryan could hear.

He laughed. "Hey, blame TJ. He made the rules." He held his hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, but you encouraged it." I mumbled, looking towards the ground, upset.

Chris got up and posted the new driving schedule on the wall and then sighed as he made his way to the driving part of the RV to do his job.

"Fuck you guys!" He called as he started up the RV. The guys all laughed at him and Chris flipped them off as he started driving.

A few short moments later, Ange clapped his hands together loudly, grabbing everyone's attention. He had a smirk on his face. A smirk saying that he was up to something. "It's punishment time."

I saw Ricky roll his eyes, just as I was picked up and thrown over Balz's shoulder.

I hit his back with the palms of my hands. "Put me down, Balz!" I shouted.

He laughed. "Nope. Rules are rules."

"I never agreed to this!" I yelled as he brought me into the back room. "This isn't fair!"

He put me down and cornered me in between the bunks and the back wall.

"Sorry sweetheart, you're in our world now and in our world, nothing's fair." He whispered as he gave me a wink at the end.

I couldn't escape from the room since Balz had me cornered, so I stood there and watched as TJ, Ange, and Ryan struggled to drag Ricky into the back.

Just as they got him inside, Balz quickly dashed for the door just before it shut.

"Three hours starts now." TJ laughed from the other side of the door.

I watched as Ricky went over to the door and tried to open it, but there was no use...the guys really locked us in.

Sighing, I slid down the wall and took a seat on the floor as I laid my head against the wall.

"Assholes." I heard Ricky whisper as he walked over to his bunk and got in, keeping the curtain open.

"That's rude." I mumbled.

"Shut up." He sighed.

"Don't tell me what to do." I retorted in a monotone voice.

I heard a snicker. "I can do whatever I want to you...I basically own you."

Completely offended, I snapped my head into his direction to find him now sitting straight up in his bunk, feet dangling off the side.

"Excuse me?" I asked, standing up from my spot.

"You heard me."

A stormed towards him until we were face to face.

I jabbed a finger into his shoulder. "You, do not get to tell me what I can and can't do. Ever." I spat. "I am not an object, I am an actual person. You do not own me or get to do whatever you want to me. Understood Ricky?"

Surviving Ricky (A Ricky Horror/ MIW fan fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon