Eyesight Moonlight

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After a few short weeks, we were all moved into the house and every room was complete, including the baby's room.

Allie still won't tell me what she was painting, but she says its for the baby so I guess I'll find out soon.

Last week we all got the great news that the guys actually had a tour bus for this short run, so everyone was coming on tour.

I'm now 6 and a half months pregnant, so I'm getting pretty big for how little I actually am. I have no idea how everyone's going to survive this tour with an extremely hormonal pregnant lady on the bus.

At least the guys have a bus driver now, so they don't have to take shifts driving either.

Ricky dropped Kitty off at his parents house last night since they haven't moved to Seattle yet. They were going to take care of him for this month.

"Baby, wake up the bus is here." Ricky shook me out of my sleep.

I looked over at the time. 3:00 am.

"God it's even earlier than last time." I groaned. "I don't want to move." I said while landing back down on the bed.

"I'll move you myself then." Ricky laughed while effortlessly picking me up.

Even while pregnant he could still do this to me.

I snuggled into his sweater covered chest as he brought me out of the house and into the bus.

I was placed down on something soft.

"Goodnight, Baby." Ricky said quietly while placing a kiss on my forehead.


I woke up in a tiny unfamiliar room. The bed I was in was a pull out, not much bigger than a bunk.

I started to panic from being somewhere unfamiliar, but Ricky ended up walking in.

"Oh you're awake." He smiled while shutting the small door and sitting beside me.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"The bus." Ricky looked at me as if I had three heads.

"Okay but like where in it?"

"The back lounge. The guys decided to give it to us to sleep in." He told me.

"What? Why?" I asked while starting to stand up. "That's no fair I can't do that!"

"Abby, sweetheart. You're going to be seven months pregnant. You and I can't fit in a bunk together with our little baby growing inside you." Ricky said while placing his hands on my belly.

He just started doing this since I actually looked pregnant now.

The baby kicked just as Ricky was holding my stomach. He looked up at me in shock.

"Was that?"

"The baby kicking? Yes." I said with a smile.

"Have they been doing that a lot?" Ricky asked.

"A few times here and there. It only started this month." I told him.

"That's so cool." He said. He then took his hands off and hugged me quickly. "We actually have a decent bus kitchen. Chris made bacon and stuff. You coming to eat?"

"Yeah. I just need a few minutes. I want to change and stuff."

Ricky looked me up and down. "Why? You look fine to me."

"Because I'm wearing a tank top and short shorts and I don't need the guys seeing more than they should." I laughed. "Now could you like grab me a shirt and some pants, please?"

Surviving Ricky (A Ricky Horror/ MIW fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now