Cold to the Bone

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I woke up feeling like shit.

The last thing I remember from last night was Ricky finally giving me the bottle of toxic liquid.

I had a killer headache and I couldn't move from my spot in the bunk since Ricky was quietly snoring beside me.

I knew it was dark in the bunk area, but keeping my eyes open hurt. I closed my eyes to try and keep the pain away, but it wasn't working.

I could hear groaning from the bunk above mine and Ricky's and I knew TJ was awake.

"Pst, TJ." I whispered.

"What?" I heard him whisper back.

"Please get me Advil....I can't move." I begged. I knew he was in the same state as me, he was just mobile at the moment.

He groaned some more before I heard him hop down from his bunk. I heard him walk out of the room and the rest of the guys started cheering behind the closed door.

Well fuck...I'm going to go out there and my headache is just going to get 10 times worse.

I heard the door to the bunks open again and a few moments later, the curtain to my bunk was opened slightly to allow a bottle of water and two Advil to come through.

"Thanks." I whispered while taking my things.

I took the two pills, drank some of the water and tried my best to go back to sleep.


I woke to the sound of crunching plastic.

My head felt considerably better, but there was still that lingering pressure in my head.

I turned over to where the noise was coming from and discovered Ricky drinking my water until it was empty.

"Thanks, it's not like I needed that." I whispered sarcastically.

He groaned. "Shut the fuck up, my head hurts."

"Sucks doesn't it." I said to him.

"Abigail. Seriously. Shut up. Go be the good fiancée you're suppose to be and get me Advil and more water." He snapped. Rude much?

I sighed heavily while hopping over Ricky and out of the bunk.

I looked to the bunk above mine and Ricky's to find a now passed out TJ. Glad someone's enjoying their rest.

I dragged my feet to the door and expected clapping when I opened it. I opened the door and to my surprise, there was no clapping, just 4 sets of eyes starring at me. The brightness of the room made my head feel worse.

"What? No clapping for me?" I asked, jokingly.

Chris shook his head. "Nope, only Rick and TJ get that." He laughed.

"Thank god." I said taking a breath of relief. I quickly grabbed what I needed from the medicine cabinet and the fridge and then headed back into the bunks. "Here you go, dick head." I said tossing the bottle of medicine so that it would land on Ricky's stomach.

He groaned. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I hate you." I said handing him the water bottle that was still in my hand.

He never said anything back, just snatched the water and took his medicine.

"I need a smoke." He mumbled to himself.

"We're driving right know how stubborn Balz can be and you know he's not going to stop this RV for you to smoke." I told him.

He groaned again. "Can you stop talking now? You're making my headache worse."

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