Salem Please Save Me

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Ricky and I didn't speak or even acknowledge each other for the next three days and I was okay with that.

Yes, I slept in his bunk, however, I went to bed extremely early to avoid going to bed with Ricky and by the time I woke up, Ricky wasn't in the bunk.

I mainly have just been talking to Chris, Balz, Ange, and Ryan. TJ ignored me like usual and you already know about Ricky.

I kept the guys company during their driving shifts and always did the food run for everyone...anything to get away from him.

"You can't ignore him forever." Chris said to me as he kept his eyes on the road.

I sighed. "Yeah, but I can ignore him right now."

"You're making me depressed." Chris chuckled.

"Oh cry me a fucking river." I leaned back into the passenger seat.

We sat there for a few minutes not saying anything, the only sound was the heavy metal station playing quietly.

"We have a few days off in the next city." Chris broke the silence, informing me on the schedule.



"So we're just going to sit on a bus for a few days?" I laughed. "In a parking lot or something?"

Chris chuckled. "No, silly. We get a hotel, obviously."

"Oh, that's good I guess."

"Yup." Chris said while popping the 'P'.


We got to the hotel around 5 o'clock in the morning.

Shitty, I know.

On the bright side, we could just check in and I could go right back to sleep in an actual bed.

All 8 of us very sleepily retrieved our bags from the trailer and walked into the cheap looking hotel.

We all stood around staying awkwardly silent while Josh sorted everything out with the front desk.

He finally came back with several room keys.

"Alright, Chris and Ange." He handed them a room key. "TJ and Ryan." He gave them theirs. "Balz, your with me." He said giving Balz a key. "And finally, Abby and Ricky."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I half yelled in my sleeping state.

"I refuse to share a room with her." Ricky said right after. I glared at him.

"You've been sharing a bunk together for 5 days now. I'm sure you'll be fine in a whole hotel room for two days." Josh said throwing a key to Ricky and walking away.

Sighing angrily, I picked up my bags and headed for the elevators where everyone else was waiting.

Ricky followed right behind and all eight of us crammed into the tiny elevator.

"Which floor?" Balz asked.


Balz pushed the button and the elevator started to move up.

There was quiet chatter within the elevator between some of the guys, but I was too tired to comprehend what they were saying.

In no time, the elevator dinged signaling we were on floor 6, and we all spilled out of the crammed space. I was the first one off, so I had to wait for everyone to come off since I didn't know where the room was.

I watched Ricky as he looked down at the key, looked at the wall with the directions on it, and then start to go down a hallway. What I noticed though, was everyone else was walking the other direction.

Surviving Ricky (A Ricky Horror/ MIW fan fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora