The Damned The Cursed and The Broken

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I sat around with Chris, Ange, and Balz for around 10 minutes, listening to them discuss their show plans for tonight. It was fascinating to see how much love and time they put in to this band and for fans of it. It was a little chilly in here because there wasn't heat on or anything and the cold was coming in from outside.

"So Abby, you are coming to the show, right?" Chris asked, still beside me from before.

"Uh...I don't know." I said quietly.

Balz sat up from his laying down position. "How do you not know?" He asked.

"Ricky never said anything to me about him being in a band and touring, let alone me coming to a show." I said looking down at my worn down, red converse.

"Well, you're coming whether Ricky likes it or not." Chris laughed beside me.

The door from the back swung open in that moment and Ryan came out looking upset.

"Ricky's pissed right now." He said walking over to sit where he originally was at the table. "TJ finally just convinced him to get ready for the show."

"He'll get over it." Ange rolled his eyes.

"I hope so." Ryan mumbled while sitting down and sipping on a water bottle.

A very loud and obnoxious ring tone started blaring throughout the room and Ange gave us all a goofy smile while he answered it.

"Hello....Yes....We have to get Ricky out of bed first....Yes we're bringing her....See you soon....Bye." Ange sighed and looked at us. "We have to get inside. This venue is apparently fucked and starts the show at 5."

Balz jumped off the bunk while the rest of the guys stood up. Ryan walked over to Chris and tried his very best to whisper, which he obviously failed at.

"Ricky doesn't want to see her at all right now." He whispered to Chris, clearly talking about me. Chris nodded his head.

"Hey Abby! Let's go inside the venue...I'm already ready and the guys still need to change." Chris said trying to get me away before Ricky came out.

"I heard what Ryan said. No need to candy coat the fact that Ricky hates me." I sighed while walking to the door.

I stepped out into the chilly air and waited for Chris to follow. He slipped a lanyard around his neck and then started for the back doors of the building.

"Hey don't I get one of those fancy neck things?" I jokingly asked as Chris opened the door allowing me to step inside the toasty warm building.

He chuckled while continuing to walk down the narrow hallway. "Not right now. Just stay with me or one of the guys and you should be good to go."

We walked through a bunch of halls that were brick and poorly painted white. It was much warmer than outside in here, but there were a lot more people. Chris stopped to chat with some people he knew while I awkwardly stood to the side, but it was honestly much better than being around Ricky right now.

Chris and I finally found the Motionless in White dressing room and he led me in, gesturing me to take a seat on the black leather couch in the middle of the room. As I took a seat on the cold couch, Chris went over to the wall length mirror covering one wall and started to fix his hair.

"Ricky bought me a happy meal." I blurted out, thinking about that moment that happened only hours ago.

Chris stopped fixing his hair and let out a chuckle, while turning around and coming to sit beside me.

"He did?" He asked.

"Yeah...Came with a little plastic barbie and everything!" I said sarcastically. "I hate him."

Surviving Ricky (A Ricky Horror/ MIW fan fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu