Light it Up and Burn it Down

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"Abby wake up, we're going to see Rachael and Reagan!" Ricky violently shook me awake.

"How? We're not home." I mumbled while rolling back over.

"They live in Seattle, remember? I used to live here too! Come on get up!" He whined like a small child while pulling on my arm.

"Okay, okay. I'm up!" I said while hopping out of the bunk and stretching.

Ricky laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"You're cute when you stretch." He said.

I rolled my eyes and shoved him lightly. "I'm going to get ready."

"You have twenty minutes!" Ricky called before I shut the bathroom door.


"We'll meet you at the show." Ricky said to his band mates as we both got out of the RV at his sisters place.

The guys were just dropping us off.

Ricky took my hand as we walked up the driveway and to the front door.

He rang the doorbell once and the sound of small footsteps running towards the door is all we could hear.

The door opened slowly and little Reagan stood there.

"Uncle Wicky!" He yelled while jumping into Ricky's arms. His little child voice was so cute.

"Reagan?! What did I tell you about opening the door?!" Rachael called as she ran into the hall. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw us. "Ricky? Abby?" She said with a large smile.

"Hey, Rach." Ricky said while stepping into the house with Reagan in his arms.

"How are you guys?" Rachael asked while pulling me in for a hug. "I didn't know you guys were in Seattle."

"Yeah, we have a show tonight." Ricky told her while setting Reagan down to hug his sister. "You coming tonight?"

"Of course!"

I felt a small tug on my shirt and I looked down to Reagan.

"Hey Reagan. What's up Buddy?" I asked while crouching down to his level.

"Hi." He said shyly. "Where's Daniel?" He asked.

I laughed. "Daniel is at his home."

"But you live with Daniel." He said, confused.

"No, I live with Uncle Ricky." I told him.

Ricky then snatched Reagan up, causing the little boy to squeal. "Your auntie Abby lives with me." Ricky said to him.

"Auntie Abby?" Reagan asked while pointing to me.

"Yeah. She's my girlfriend." Ricky said in a teasing voice while tickling Reagan. Reagan was too small to understand the concept of marriage, so to him, I was Ricky's girlfriend.

"Ew! Girls have cooties!" He shouted while squirming in Ricky's hold.

Rachael and I laughed at them, and then Ricky put Reagan down so he could go play.

"So how's the married life going?" Rachael asked as we went to sit down on the couch.

Ricky wrapped an arm around me. "It's going great."

I smiled up at him. "Yeah, it is."

"Are you guys upset you didn't get a honeymoon?" She asked us.

"No. We've been travelling around North America for the past three weeks, so it isn't too bad. It's kind of like a honeymoon." Ricky said to her.

She gave him an unimpressed look. "No, Rick. A honeymoon doesn't mean you and your wife go on tour with more than six other people. It means you go away somewhere alone for a few weeks."

Surviving Ricky (A Ricky Horror/ MIW fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now