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We've been on tour for a week. Ricky and I were civil with each other, and there was no extreme fighting which the guys were thankful for, but the odd rude comment would slip out from either of us.

Ghost has been doing really good. He was better than everyone expected him to be.

I've taken on the job of actually doing merch for the guys now. Ricky and I were actually married now, so he wasn't so protective of making sure I wouldn't run away. I knew better than that.

I've found myself waking up really early as well, so this morning I climbed over Ricky and made my way into the front.

Balz was driving, so I didn't need to be that quiet since he wasn't sleeping in the room.

Ghost was the only other one awake. He was sitting quietly on his computer while drinking coffee.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Hey." He said. I went over and took a seat across from him with a pop tart I grabbed from the cupboard.

"How do you like tour so far?" I asked him.

"Much better than staying at home I can tell you that." Ghost laughed.

"Very true." I said while moving a piece of hair that fell over my face with my left hand.

"Those are beautiful rings." Ghost said pointing to the engagement ring and the solid white gold wedding band that were resting on my finger. "You're married?" He questioned.

"Yeah." I said looking down to my rings.

"But you share a bunk with Ricky. How does your husband feel about that?" He questioned.

I laughed. "Ricky is my husband."

Ghost looked shocked. "Are you serious?!" He questioned.

"She's 100% serious." Balz called from the drivers seat. "Got married a day before tour."

"Stop eavesdropping!" I said to Balz who just laughed.

"But you and Ricky like hate each other!" Ghost said in disbelief.

"It was twenty times worse before!" Balz called again.

"Balz! Stop!" I yelled back. I turned back to Ghost. "It was an arrange marriage."

"Ah." He nodded his head. "Makes a lot more sense now."

"Yeah. It's whatever." I shrugged my shoulders.

We talked for a bit. I was surprised by how much Ghost really did talk. I thought he was just going to be quiet all the time. I guess not.

Sometime around 11, Ricky was the next to wake up.

He came into the front and immediately went to make himself his coffee. He literally lived off of it.

I went straight back to my conversation with Ghost ignoring that he was in the room.

What I didn't expect though, was that a few minutes later, a cup of coffee was placed in front of me, and then Ricky slid into the seat beside me.

Ghost looked confused for a minute, but then shook it off. I was just as confused though. Did Ricky just do something nice for me?

"Thanks." I said quietly taking the coffee into my hands and drinking the warm liquid.

That was really the end to mine and Ghost's conversation, so he reoccupied himself with his computer and Ricky was blocking me from getting out of the spot. He was just sitting there texting like usual.

Surviving Ricky (A Ricky Horror/ MIW fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now