This is What we Are

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The guys just finished their show and now we were all headed back to the dressing room so that they could change out of their stage clothes.

When we got to the room I followed Ricky into his little dressing room and sat down on the couch while he quickly changed.

I picked up the guitar that was still sitting there and strummed it.

Ricky chuckled as I did it again.

"This is confusing." I said while looking down at all the strings.

"I could always teach you." He said while coming to sit beside me.

I looked down at the instrument again.

"Here. Watch." He said while taking the guitar out of my hands and started to play different riffs.

"Stop showing off." I laughed while pushing him slightly.

"I'm not!" He laughed back.

"Yes you are!"

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Ricky yelled.

Josh came into the room.

"We have to start packing up. If you want to meet fans outside, go now." Josh said to Ricky.

Ricky stood up and I followed.

"No we're just going to go back to the RV. It's Abby and Ricky night." Ricky said while grabbing his backpack.

Josh rolled his eyes. "Oh god. I have to sleep sitting at the table again?"

Ricky laughed. "No, no. You're good."

Josh sighed in relief. "Thank god." He said before leaving the room.

Ricky and I followed him out to where all the guys were packing up the rest of their stuff.

"Where you two trying to sneak off to?" Balz asked as we headed for the exit door.

"The RV." Ricky said.

Balz gave a disgusted look.

"Oh my god, Balz stop that!" I said while glaring at him. "Every time Ricky and I go somewhere doesn't mean we're fucking each other!"

Ricky laughed and wrapped an arm around me. "Calm down, Babe."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said while shrugging Ricky off and leaving the room.

"Babe, don't be like this." Ricky said while catching up to me.

I turned to look at him and gave him a small smile while grabbing his hand. "Sorry." I mumbled.

We started walking and ended up where Piper and Brielle were taking down all the merch.

"Hey! You!" Brielle said while grabbing my attention. She came over from the table until she was standing a few feet in front of Ricky and I. "I have been in this venue for like 8 hours and I've seen your face for all of 5 minutes!" She said while pointing to me.

I let go of Ricky and hugged her. "I know I'm sorry. It's been a long day."

"It's fine." She laughed.

"How's my kitten?" Ricky then said from behind me, completely off topic. I raised an eyebrow and looked to him. He laughed. "What? I want to know how my cat is. Is there a problem?"

"Our cat, Ricky." I laughed while correcting him.

"He's good! He's gotten so much bigger." Brielle said. "Only one more month until you get to snuggle him."

Surviving Ricky (A Ricky Horror/ MIW fan fic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat