Crawling from Hell...

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I woke up feeling much better when I heard the guys come back from sound check.

"Where's Abby?" I heard Chris ask.

"She didn't feel well and is resting in the bunks." I heard Mrs. Olson say.

"I'll go get her." I then heard Ricky say.

"I'll come too, darling." She then said. I grounded and then rolled over, pretending to be asleep again...maybe, just maybe they'll leave me be.

I heard two sets of quiet footsteps and then felt a hand on my shoulder. It shook me gently.

"Abby, baby. Wake up." Ricky said quietly, obviously playing along with the perfect relationship thing in front of his mom.

"Aw honey, leave her be." Mrs. Olson said quietly as well.

"No, she wanted me to wake her up for the show." He lied. He just didn't want me unattended while his parents went to the show. He still thinks I'll run away.

"Okay, Ricky." She whispered.

"Come on Baby, it's time to wake up for the show." He said, shaking me gently again.

I groaned. "No."

"Yup." I felt an arm snake under my knees and another behind my back. Next thing I knew, I was being lifted out of the bunk and being placed on the ground, on my feet.

I yawned. "Really?" I asked clearly not amused. He's still treating me like a six year old. Even with his Mom standing in the room.

"Yes, let's go." He said, taking a hold of my hand. When we got out of the dark bunk room, I saw all of the guys in the front. They were all stage ready with makeup and clothes. They must have gotten ready inside the venue.

The guys all grabbed their things they needed to bring inside, and then walked out of the RV. Ricky and I, hand in hand walked behind with his parents.

"Ricky, have you told the fans about you two yet?" Mrs. Olson asked.

He sighed. "No, Mom. I'm keeping it a secret for now. They don't need to know my personal life..."

"Are you sure, Honey?" She asked.

"Yes. Do you know how much hate Abby will get?" He asked. I looked down to the ground, knowing it was true. If the fans knew, i'd be hated. Especially since all the girls love Ricky, as Chris would jokingly put it.

She scoffed. "I doubt that Ricky."

"No, it's true." I spoke up. "I understand it's going to happen."

"Told you." Ricky said in a mocking tone to his mother, earning him a smack on the arm. I laughed quietly at that. Finally someone that can put Ricky in his place.

To get into this venue, we had to walk around the building. Unfortunately for me, once we turned a corner of the building, the growing lineup of fans were there.

"Fuck." I heard Ricky say quietly as his grip on my hand got tighter. He wanted to let go so badly and so did I, but I guess this act in front of his parents was more important to him than fans finding out the truth.

The fans screamed, but kept their distance from all of the guys. We had security with us, but only two, which clearly wasn't enough to protect 9 people.

I saw some fans give me strange looks which I knew was bound to happen. Ricky pulled me inside the venue quickly as Angelo kindly told the fans that they would be out later to sign and take photos.

Ricky, his parents and I were now following the rest of the guys to the dressing room.

When we got inside the dressing room, the guys put down their things and went straight for the food. Ricky let go of my hand finally and went to sit on the couch with his parents. I walked over to Balz and Chris who were piling their plates high.

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