Chapter Twelve: Quidditch

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A/n: Thank you to all of the people who are reading this fanfiction!!! Writing this story means a lot to me and your unyielding support always makes me happy! 🥰🥰🥰

A/n: Thank you to all of the people who are reading this fanfiction!!! Writing this story means a lot to me and your unyielding support always makes me happy! 🥰🥰🥰

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Harry Potter was very much happy when he saw his guardian, Severus Snape in the training grounds to see his Quidditch Flying ability. Snape hated flying and the sport reminded him that the boy he had allowed himself to take care of was the child of the man who had bullied him as a child before but he knew that he shouldn't make the boy suffer because of his father's immaturity. Most of all, the eyes always reminded her of Lily with whom he'd always love. He's still very much guilty for having been a death eater and he would never want Harry to discover that truth. He won't know what to say if the truth ever comes out.

"I can't believe that you will let me play Quidditch, dad!" Harry exclaimed. "Thank you for letting me a member of the Slytherin Team since I really want to play it!"

"Of course, I'll be here to support you, Harry. I want to give you everything that will make you happy," Snape said to him with a smile in his face. "A few days ago, I saw how you used a broom and I knew that you have potential in Quidditch as it looks like my son is not just a wizard but also, an athlete like his biological father."

The five current Slytherin Quidditch Players were all surprised by how Severus Snape called Harry. Anxiety immediately crawled on them after that since Harry's Snape's adopted son, it gave them some pressure to be careful how they will train him.

The eleven-years-old child has to be gently trained by them but they knew that he had to still be thoroughly trained or else if they get Harry hurt or he was untrained by them, Snape will definitely scream at them. Alwyna knew that it will be her most challenging role as captain of the team before her seventh year. "Professor Snape, we haven't opened up try outs, yet. What about the others who wanted to join? They may see it as if we're being impartial to them."

Snape grinned. "You can try him out today and see if he's fit to the team. Aren't you always the runner ups in every Quidditch Tournament? Don't you want Ravenclaw to be defeated?"

The members of the team stared at each other while they were talking to their headmaster in such confusion. Why? Their headmaster was like a different person in front of them but they knew that he was just like that in front of them since Harry's with him. He's not acting as their headmaster but as Harry's guardian.

"Yes, Professor," Martin replied. "He might be a good addition to our team."

"He can try to be a chaser or seeker," Leona suggested to Alwyna. "I'm both in our team, after all."

Berthold and Hamlet agreed, too. "We're beaters and we'll make sure that he won't get beaten by those Weasley Twins. We're rivals and we want to defeat them by ourselves."

Alwyna accepted Harry after that. "We'll orient him, Professor. If he's going to become a member, then his current school schedule has to be reorganized, right?"

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