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Life will certainly not be the way you want it to be.
They are days when you want to give up, moment when you don't feel like living any longer but no matter what try to give yourself a small hint of hope that eveything will be okay one day.

It was just like yesterday Ayat started working with the Hamdan's and today, it's exactly a month.

She won't lie, it's a rough journey to begin with especially when you're working with the most annoying Adeel as your boss.

But through those days, she learned that you never get everything you want in life.

If life has not been fair to us, then it's our responsibility to make a good impact on our lives and make our lives meaningful.

Something that will make us happy no matter how small it is so that we will never fall in misery.

And that's what she has been doing all this while and seeing the smiles on her family members makes her want to put more effort and make sure that smile is always there on their faces.

For once she never thought that she will be working under a man that is so heartless, but what can she do after all that's what life wants from her?.

This life has thought her what it means to be who you're despite your struggles but the good thing is that it always makes you become the best version of yourself.

Here she is going to work when she sighted a small girl crying. Ayat thought she was with someone but when she check again she was on her own.

"Hey!" Ayat called.

"Where is your mum?" She asked and the girl just kept mute and pointed at her leg, when Ayat checked, Ya Allah! She was injured.

She took her to a nearby chemist and she was treated.

For almost 30 minutes no one showed up looking for her. Ayat started getting worried but she gave it a second thought that maybe someone will come looking for her.

They went to a nearby cafe and bought ice cream.

"So baby girl, what's your name?" Ayat asked the girl.

"My name is Nawal" She replied.

"Awwn, that's such a good name for a cute girl like you" Ayat said.

"So Nawal where is your mum?" Ayat asked again.

"My mum went to buy something, so she asked me to stay in the car. I was playing with my ball but it flew out and while I was looking for it, I injured myself" Nawal said.

The girl is soo cute especially when she talks.

Ayat was very suprise to see a six year old girl talking so beautifully.

"Nawal can we go and look for mummy before she gets mad at us?" Ayat asked and she nodded.

Even before they made any attempt of standing up, Ayat saw a woman approaching them.

She was nicely dressed and her outfit smells money.

She has black eyes, a pale complexion and curly dark black hair pinned neatly back.

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