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~*Some years back*~

In the olden days, they lived a king who ruled for many years with his wife and only daughter. The king has no regret but one thing bothers him because he has no sucessor that will rule after him.

He was blessed with a daughter and not a boy and it's not allowed for a girl to rule a place and the king doesn't want the kingdom to leave his house so he decide to make his daughter the princess of that land he is rulling.

Many people objected to the decision but the king doesn't pay any heed to what they said and he made his daughter the princess of Agadas which cause a huge rift in Agadas.

His friend was also against the idea so he didn't submit to what the king want from them.

He went and create his own palace and the people that were against the king followed him.

His friend want nothing but the throne and now the king want to ruin all his plan which he will not let that happen at any cost, that's why he decide to fight back and take the throne.

To him a small girl will not rule them and not a girl also.

Princess Sarah ruled the kingdom as per her Father's order and the people started liking her and her system.

They thought a woman cannot rule them but she made them realize how powerful women are.

Kabir feared for what Sarah might do because of the way people are liking her and he might lose what he has been planning to get for years so he planned to killed her father which he suceeded.

In doing that, it caused a war between the princess kingdom and Kabir's.

Princess Sarah fought the battle and she won but along the way she was defeated and betrayed because she trusted the wrong person and that person ended up betraying her.

She shouldn't have trusted the person she thought he will never betrayed her in her life but she forgot about human behaviour. They can change for anything as long as it will be in their favour.

She wanted to fight back but her husband asked her to run away because of the baby she was carrying so that she will not harm the baby.

Sarah hide in a small town till she gave birth and that was how she lost her life while giving birth to her two adorable twins.

Your mother and her twin sister but Sarah's story will never be forgetten in the history of Agadas because she fought for her land, she fought for her people and fought for justice till she was no more." Muhammad concluded.

"Do you mean the parents we take as parent are not our real parents?" Mami asked.

"Yes they are not. They're slaves that used to work in your mother's place so after your mother's death, your father was not able to bear the pain of losing her so he also died of heart attack. That was then, they took you and promise to treat you like the children they've given birth to."

"They promised not to disclose your real identity because if that happens Kabir will come back for you. Kabir is the father of Jabir's mother and he was the one that made me the king of Agadaz, but with the promise that I will return that throne whenever Jabir's mother give birth to a boy but I never did that because of the information I got."

"Because I never fulfilled my promise, Jabir's mother took me as a betrayer till her last breath. After I found out about the whole truth, that was when I sent Fadeel my second son to go and seek one of Sarah's daughter's in marriage so that I will return the throne to their rightfull owner's but before I did that, many things happened which you all know about."

"Jabir, hadn't been you know that your grandfather, his wife and your mother are betrayers, you wouldn't have started all what you did and because of something you will leave here in this life, you end so many innocent lives. I can't lie but I feel ashamed to call you my son Jabir." Muhammad said.

"I'm sorry" that was the only word he can utter because he can't say anything after what he heard and what he did to many innocent souls.

"Guards take him away " Mai Martaba said.

Jabir was busy pleading but no one said anything till he was out of their sight.

"And what of the sword grandpa" Ayat asked her curiosity getting the best of her

"That sword was a symbol of her success because even though she was defeated, she still fought that war and protect her people from injustice."

"She placed that sword in that place and said "only the rightful owner will remove this sword from here" and after so many attempt by many brave people, they all failed to remove the sword until when you came."

"After decades of waiting for the rightful owner, finally you appeared out of nowhere." Muhammad said

"The necklace?" Ayat asked

"According to what I heard, her name is Sarah and all her belongings started with *S* so after I heard about her story I named you after her."

"That necklace I gave you is her own and it's only that necklace that will open her property."

"My only regrets was that I wish your parents were here to witness all this but something is telling me that they're watching us and they're proud of the woman you've become."

And when Muhammad said that everyone was lost in his or her own thoughts remembering their lost loved ones.

Ayat remembered them especially her dad because they shared a strong bond when he was alive.

"The world is now an evil place. Your love one's become your enemy"

"A stranger become your friend"

"A friend become an enemy but know the kind of person you will trust in your life, even if you trust a wrong person and you're hurt at the end, never wish to be a bad person also."

Ayat remembered his words and her eyes were filled with unshed tears which she hide but of course Adeel saw it and he felt guilty because he also contributed alot to her mystery.

"Let's leave the past and start a new life. A life they want us to build."

"Let's start a new beginning with lots of love, laughter, smiles and joys."

"Let's raise a big toast for new beginning." Ayat said and they all agreed with her and they hope it will be what they will cherish for the rest of their lives.







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