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"Who when afflicted with calamity say Truly!To Allah we belong and Truly!to him we shall return"

"She wake up with a smile and glanced at her window across from her"

"As she open the window, the soft breeze fill her nostrils. It feels good because the weather is cool, with birds flying above the sky".

"She look up and see the clouds, how the moon brightens it to bright colours that gives a mixture of sky blue and white".

"Indeed Allah is the creator of the universe. Have you ever wondered how the clouds make those colors? How the sun rises? and how the stars twinkle every night in the sky"?.

"No one has the power to make all this execpt the almighty Allah, the most merciful, the giver of peace, One who gives life, the all knowing, the protector, the most loving, who guides all of his creations along the path of virtue and one who embraces his creations with light, mercy, forgiveness and protection".

"She send salutation to our beloved prophet Muhammad (saw), before she hurry to the bathroom to take her bath".

"Today their father is going to come back after a long trip. Ayat feel happy and at the same time nervous because this is not how she feel whenever her father is coming back from a trip, today is different".

"She inhale and exhale telling herself that everything will be okay".

"Ayat walk to her closet and settle on an Abaya. She put a little bit of powder and lip balm cause she is not a fan of make up, and make her way downstairs to face Mami's wrath for not waking up early.

But truth be told, she don't joke with her sleep, sleep is life!"

"The moment she step out of her room and make her way downstairs, the smell of turaren wuta fill her nostrils".

"There she sight her in the kitchen, ordering Hanan to bring something for her".

"Ayat walk in quietly and wrap herself around Mami's body, but Mami takes away her hands from her body".

"Good morning Mami" Ayat greeted.

"She make a puppy face but she doesn't even give her a glance".

'This is going to be tough,' Ayat said.

"Mami please I'm sorry, please Mami forgive me I will never repeat it again, "Ayat beg her.

No response.

"Haba Mami, my Hayati, my noor, my heart beat, my life, my everthing please I'm sorry."

Still no response.

"Mami since she said she is sorry please forgive her," Hanan says.

That's why Ayat love her more, she always covers her up when she did something wrong.

"You said I should forgive her ko Hanan, look at the clock what says the time now? It's 11 o'clock and she knew that your father will come back today. We are here working while she is there enjoying the comfort of her bed! go back and sleep, we don't need your help we are almost done,"Mami says.

"Mami please I'm sorry it will never happen again please Mami." Ayat said

"huh it's okay." Mami said

"yeeee that's why I love you, you are the best." Ayat said

Just then, she gave her the smile that always melts her heart.

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